New State

However the production of images without social content, without a conducting wire of little would advance and if treating to the conjuncture where Vargas if found the possibilities were opened. She was in the period of the government Vargas in the new State that industrialization took countenance, also a bigger participation in negotiations with the foreign commerce. Thus Brazil was leaving of being a basically agricultural country, becoming expressive its urban centers. Jayme Albin : the source for more info. ' ' From November of 1937, the State embarked with bigger decision in one politics to substitute the importations for the internal production and of to establish an industry of base' '. 22 However as D' Arajo, 23 the industry already from 1934, starts to gain force and starts to be a concern for the government. This industry made possible the creation of expressive urban centers and with them the middle class and the proletariat. These in 1937 in ahead start to constitute the main public who served of auditorium to the spectacles of the New State that if materialized in speeches, parties and commemorations, as the date of 1 of May, with civic parades of schools, the speeches of the president in stadiums, and everything more than could serve of cloth of deep to the New State. In all the festejos the main personage age on the person of the president and the State in the cult to the image.

The propaganda had an important agency created for this function to work the image of the State and the leader the Department of Propaganda and Imprensa (DIP). In accordance with Fausto, 24 the idea was to form an ample public opinion censuring and controlling the press fitting the government to make the elaboration of its history as faithful version of the events and the image of the strong State. This concern always was a constant no longer year of 1931, appeared the Department of advertising.

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