New Era

Luckyly, thanks in the present to parapsicolgica science many scientists have come discovering that such phenomenon is of the normal category and that all the people can practice it, existing in addition the antecedent, who in the nights when we slept take I finish, thanks to the faculty to the subconscious mind. Like summary, it considrese what on the matter it contributes to us, that a experience outside the body (known as OBE by its abbreviation in English) can be defined as the process to separate the conscience (spirit) of the physical body, so that the person and the world can be observed from outside the body. The OBE also are known like astral projections. There are several forms in which the people perceive a experience outside the body, including dreams, wide-awake dreams and memories. Some people have reported to have had near experiences outside the body while they were under the drug influence or being induced by some type of trauma, and encounter with the death. The astral projection is taught through books, the religious network world-wide cybernetics and techniques.

One says that a experience outside the body can be clearer that a dream or a wide-awake dream (fantasy). Those who practice astral projections protest that their senses are increased allowing to see them and to feel with more clarity and without physical restrictions. The origins of the experiences outside the body are not known. Nevertheless, the OBE has been practiced by many years in different cultures. The Movement of the New Era widely is known to use and to promote this practice. It adds in addition the indicated source to us, that the experiences outside the body are looked for by people who wish knowledge or power in the spiritual kingdom, tries to help other people, is peculiar or simply they want to be entertained. Sometimes, people look for the OBE in order to make damage to others.

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