Model De Campos

The production strategy says respect to the standard of decision and the procedure to define the papers, the objectives and the activities of the production. In the definition of NIGEL, the strategy she is separate in content and process. The first one says respect to ' ' what ' ' , that is, what it will be made and as, the process, mentions the methodology of the actions. A point important if to detach is that the process and the general strategical objectives of the organization if join with the objectives of the level of resources. In compliance with the described thought, the model considered for study presents in its strategical plan the taking of five basic decisions, which are: to define the company if desires to have, to select products with which the company will concur, to choose the markets where she will act, to choose the fields of the competition finally and to designate the weapons to use.

3. DEPARTAMENTODEPRODUO Before initiating the analysis of the Model De Campos and Competitive Armas, makes the analysis of where it will be is focus of the research: the department of production under the optics of the administrator. First, it is needed to observer some points of the activity. The production department searchs an efficient and efficient performance for the development of the organization. However, nor always it was and it is seen of this form, therefore still many organizations exist place that it as dispensable focus of reflection of attainment of competitive advantage. The production can contributes with the success of the company, therefore it puts in practical the reason of being and the strategy of the organization. To clarify its existence, the activity of the production department is implementadora, can support the enterprise strategy and stimulate the competitiveness. To clarify the points, above salient that the production assists with the innovation of the processes to keep the organization competitive.

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