Migrations For Amaznia

Migrations for Amaznia the development of the Amaznia did not start with the arrival of the first Europeans who had passed for the region. These adventurers had only given notice of this universe for the remain of the world: they had described the wonders of our forest and mineral wealth; they had spoken of the mitolgicos beings that populated local legends. It was as soon as the colonizador knew the seiva of the used seringueira already for the indians and some adventurers who searched ores and the drugs of the hinterland. However the latex alone was used artisan. It occurred that in the end of century XIX the latex gained a new destination: the automobile industry. Thus the industry of the rubber was born that needed materiaprima and hand of workmanship you inject to explore them.

For this the federal government created some programs with the purpose to attract made use workers to domar the ocean of equatorial vegetation, to surpass the adversities and insects in order to locate the seringueiras and to bleed them so that they shed the milky blood. The northeasterns, victims of dry and of the hunger, they had been the first guests for this adventure in the reality many had been obliged to migrar, forced for the police force, as in the case of families where the man was dragged northward and the woman for the south. For even more analysis, hear from Jayme Albin Interview . They had come to the thousands in the time of the great drought of 1877-1879, mobilized more for the necessities of survival of what for the expectation of the industry. From this first ' ' cycle of borracha' ' if it gave to the occupation of the region of the current state of the Acre, originated the conflict that was known as ' ' question acreana' ' which was solved with Brazil buying the territory and today state of the Acre giving beginning to the epic of the construction of the Railroad Mamor Wood.

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