
the Martins and the attached building, the Maternity Dr. Ursulino Veloso de Sousa known Martins popularly as ' ' Square of the Hospital of the Buenos Aires' ' in Teresina – PI, it research on the native and ornamental plants had been carried through that compose its vegetation. The study on the flora of the place it aims at to know the characteristics of the arbreas and arbustivas species with the purpose of if carrying through the planning and handling of the arborization. The data had been collected in the period of April the May of 2006 through specific fiches or forms where information of found the arbreos and arbustivos individuals in the place had been supplied. Later photographic registers of some critical points of the physical and paisagstica structure and finally, interviews with technician of the Secretariat of Urban Development. The used method of research was the quali-quantitative characterization of all the pertaining individuals to the related square. Ebay pursues this goal as well. After analysis, was evidenced that 55.73% need pruning, mainly of cleanness.

Some species are inadequate for arborization of urban areas. Word-key: planning? urban arborization? square? Teresina * Biologist and after graduanda in Paisagismo and Ambient Manejo for the State University of the Piau. ** Orienting? Biologist, Master in Botany? UESPI. DIAGNOSIS OF THE ARBORIZATION OF SQUARE GILSON SAWS AND HISSES OF THE CITY OF TERESINA – PI MARIA LINDALVA ALVES Da Silva * ROSELES RIBEIRO B. AXE ** ABSTRACT The squares ploughs beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code in the composition of the urban landscape because they help in the improvement of the quality of life of the people.

The objective of the present work was characterize it to you quantify the arborization of the square Gilson Mountain range and Silva located in front of the Dr. hospital Antonio Quarry. the Martins and the attached building, the Maternity Dr. Ursulino Veloso de Sousa known Martins popularly ' ' Square of the Hospital of the Buenos Aires' ' in Teresina – PI, it had been carried through research on the native and ornamental plants that compose its vegetation.

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