Markus Wagenhuber

The price was way more surprising not considered most important, but mainly as secondary. Unused services is the vacancy “classic” lineup with 30% on 1st, just followed by the construction of complete sales lines with 21%. New ways for the future also in the future majority continue to the classic occupation of vacancy and establishment of field lines companies. Click Derek Gillman to learn more. The position the sales force, which is currently rarely used, or even syndicated teams, is the fourth most important service in the future for the respondents. The question for the future distribution channels are just under 36% think that hybrid sales models will prevail. The respondents want more customer loyalty here as a complement to the classical field through the implementation of new, digital channels such as email, E-detailing, and video chat. Summary of acquisition are more popular than ever.

Be currently averaging nearly 25% of the vacant positions through temporary field occupied, 85% of the participating companies believe that the own field will be replaced by service providers. Here are unique characteristics such as quality and experience of the staff in the foreground for the respondents. Also the direct mediation still gaining importance. New distribution models, such as, for example, hybrid sales models, are increasingly gaining market acceptance and be seen by a large portion of respondents as zukunftstrachtigstes sales model. New media back in the channel address clearly in the foreground and represent new challenges to the market to rethink classic sales structures and to develop future-proof.

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