
These are functions of the internal marketing, endomarketing. But why the assignment internal customer? With the ranks of Spiller et al (2006, P. 94), concluded that the employee is a consumer of its job, and the job it is to be consumed product. The same idea with the description of Berry can be concluded (2006 apud WOOLS HOUSES, P. 105), which placed that in the internal marketing the employee is the customer, the positions is the products and these must satisfy the necessities of those, working to arrive at the objectives of the company.

The internal marketing is a continuous and gradual process, that can be associated with the work of the Administration of Human resources in the scope of the company, therefore is this department who if has worried about well-being and the quality of life of the employees and promoted its union with the organization as a whole. The author Wools Houses (2006, P. 106) described the internal marketing as normative or functional. The normative one internally reaches the elements that it needs to function? the customers (employee; controlling) and the products (company; training, etc.)? constitutes the form to proceed. The functional aspect is the satisfaction of the necessities and yearnings of the internal customers, inside of the objectives of the company. Endomarketing applied to the management of the company it allows that the collaborators feel themselves apt to play its tasks well, compromised to the organizacional process, cliente of its importance in the success of the organization. For this theory the behavior and the motivation of the people are primordial to reach the objectives biggest of the company. Ahead of the recognition given on the part of the organization, the employees will enxergaro the work as a way to reach prestige, auto-accomplishment and autonomy. 2 EMPOWERMENT In years 90 were born a new theory of enterprise management, empowerment, with intention to promote the reciprocal confidence between employees and organization, to keep the commitment with the objectives, to spread out the information and the knowledge, to adapt it the changes.

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