Lehman Brothers

And if we needed examples, we can throw a look to Lehman Brothers, AIG, Iceland, the Russian rouble or to some employees of the suburban one of New York. Although British premier Gordon Brown has been first in recognizing the beginning of a new one was global, is vital that as much politicians as opinion leaders begin to admit publicly this reality. Therefore this necessary change of mentality will be only accelerated. And the fact to have a just chosen president, lets to the United States in a very advantageous position to lead this process successfully. The G20 is making the correct thing when meeting to confront the crisis and to show a cooperation attitude, but will not serve don’t mention it if nobody is able to understand it like the beginning of a new model for the businesses, or even like a new model of mentality. After all, the one is not solely our financial system that is ill, but all the humanity.

We are not able to support nor to allow the growth to us of the others, something than we would benefit all. Instead of that what we found it is egoism and the contempt towards the others: this is the true disease. And we suffer all it. For that reason, we must direct our efforts to give priority to the common interests before the own ones. And this is literally our table of salvation. The development of a new one brings back to consciousness global is not a simple term of the New Era that animates to us to be embracing trees. It means that you, I, he, she, who all together ones we must develop brings back to consciousness that one worries about the well-being about all, of each person and each thing, or while we make businesses or while we lived our daily life; or passing the vacuum cleaner, buying or taking a coffee with the friendly.

In other words, the global model is not another form to handle the capital to obtain major yield: one is a new mentality, a new vision of the world, the unique way to obtain positive results in a global era. And we only needed to change the center of our attention, transferring it from the individual thing towards the group. The fault of which Lehman Brothers came down was not of the salesmen in the open, and they were not the derivatives which sank AIG: they were the insatiable avarice and the anxiety to become rich at the cost of the others. If we managed to change all that greed by an insatiable desire to favor to our resemblances, and, if we make it together, mainly then it waits for a future plenty to us of successes. Guaranteed. Original author and source of the article.

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