Kanban Production

The functioning of the Kanban technique in this case if would give thus: having the leather supply of finished period of training B, this sends the empty container with the Kanban requesting material more for its supplier, that is the period of training. This Kanban placed for period of training B signals that the period of training the necessary one to produce and to deliver the amount of leather acquitted in the card. The number of Kanbans placed in the line of production is the same number of containers, and represents the supply that can be accumulated. A Kanban only leaves if it intends to reduce the supply. FINAL CONSIDERAES Inside of the JIT, are essential the vision and sistmica interpretation. Or so more important of what the proper efficiency in the application of the JIT and the Kanban, is the interaction that they are capable to develop inside of the organization.

The positive results of the application of the JIT and the Kanban elapse of synergy do not enter the periods of training of production of what of the somatrio of the isolated contributions of each one. The JIT searchs to all promote the otimizao of the production system, eliminating supplies through the production in the accurate amount at the certain moment, and with this method it guarantees the quality, since a defective material does not follow in the production line. The use of the Kanban supplies a simple and transparent to request material, when only necessary method and in the certain amount, preventing that supply if accumulates between the periods of training. To work with the Kanban system requires much disciplines and physical organization of the supplies. She is necessary that a culture of concern with the cleanness aspects exists, organization and disciplines so that one programs Kanban has success. REFERENCES CORRA H.L. et al. Planning, Programming and Control of the Production: MRP/ERP: Concepts, use and implantation.

4a ed.

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