Junge Karriere

Experts define competence profiles including references, which will be examined by netjobbing.de. Up to order, experts and clients remain anonymous. Successful mediation netjobbing.de receives a Commission of 10 percent of the contract by the contractor and a package of 12 euro by the contracting authority. No mediation is achieved, no cost. The services include, for example, translations, copywriting, proofreading, data research, market – and competition studies, Web pages, data analysis and graphic design. netjobbing.de is operated by the collective IQ limited. The platform is since January 2008 with a beta version online.

Today, there are around 1000 users registered upward trend. Founders are Arne Stoschek and Nils Dreyer. Connect with other leaders such as Jay Glazer here. In the output 08/2008 of the magazine Junge Karriere”Nils Dreyer to the 30 leaders under the age of 30 in Germany was selected from the Handelsblatt publishing group. Also awarded the concept at CeBIT 08 with a founder’s prize of the German Federal Ministry for Economics and technology and reached 2nd place at the founder competition newcomer”of the city of Bochum. Danet group the Danet group is a leading, independent IT consulting and service company. Competence and over 25 years experience in the ICT market the Danet group innovative partner for consulting, system integration, managed, and on-demand services of complex IT applications. The company designed, develops, implements, and operates sound and innovative business solutions across the entire value chain of our customers across.

The biggest customers come from the sectors of telecommunications, financial services, automotive, transport and logistics. In addition to the headquarters in Weiterstadt, there are branches in Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart as well as subsidiaries in Vienna (Austria) and Brighton (UK). Danet employs approximately 450 people and generated a total turnover of 51.7 million euros in the business year 2007.

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