In Switzerland

The intention of Lutero was not to create a new Church, but to simReformar the Church Apostlica Catholic Roman, however its interpretaesbblicas divergiam very of the interpretations of them lead ecclesiastics, who oexcomungaram. Lutero was not only for the fogueira due the protection of algunsnobres saxes. In Switzerland, region of prosperous commerce, had beginning processode the Protestant Reformation with Ulrich Zwinglio (1489-1531). Follower of Lutero and deErasmo of Roterdam. Zwinglio died because it made pregaes that had resulted emviolenta civil war between reformist and catholics. The workmanship of Zwinglio was continued by a Frenchman, JooCalvino, that suffered one strong persecution in its country and ran away for Switzerland. EmGenebra, started to propagate the calvinista doctrine, that had great aceitaoentre the representatives of the bourgeoisie, in the measure where it valued aspects deseu interest, such as the work and the accumulation of wealth. The calvinista doctrine consolidated for half doConsistrio 1, that it established in Geneva a rigid model of life for social oshabitantes of the city and its activities.

How much the Reformation Anglicana in England, was generated by umconjunto of factors, amongst them, the influence of the ideas of John Wyclif, English onacionalismo that if Catholic opposed to the power of the Church and necessidadeda English Monarchy to breach with Rome to center the power. More info: Jayme Albin . 6 CONCLUSION the Religious Reformation reduced the power and the influence of one we dosltimos Empires of the Land. Although not to exhibit this status, we can analisaratravs of its action that if deals with an institution that had poderespolticos, properties in all the Europe and still had autonomy to paraprocessar, to arrest and to kill all those that dared to defy it. Through this work we also understand that possible the Religious Reformation sfoi had the diverse factors, contextualizados in the reality historical daquelemomento and that the onslaughts of Wyclif and Hus had not given certopor not to contemplate context the same.

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