Huitzilopochtli Guadalupe

– Tezcatlipoca God of the Sun, – Coyolxahuqui, goddess of the moon, – Tlloc, God of rain. – Quetzalcoatl, God of the wind. Then the fable farce of the appearance of virgin of Guadalupe was used to persuade to the Indians to the catholicism, and dispersed in the world, doing to think that Maria was the virgin, who had conceived to our Mr. Jesus Christ by work of the spirit santo. And it is here where the falsification becomes but remarkable, because the name of Guadalupe nowhere of the sagradas writings registers its name in no language, far from it the existence of Juan Diego has been able to verify, very in spite of the vain canonization being very obvious its invention with aims to familiarize the name of Guadalupe to its new conquest of the dominant catholicism in those times. To have the conviction of which Virgin of Guadalupe is false of all falsification, at no moment takes offense to the memory of the virgin Maria..

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