Heavy Metal

The differential of the Heavy Metal was the greater introduction weight and speed that the NRoll Rock. Later, bands as Motorhead (MARTINS, 2010), Judas Priest and Iron Maiden would appear, over all in the United kingdom and the United States, adding bigger weight by means of distortion of guitars. In this context, an important group, the AC/DC, would appear as first the great band of Australian Heavy Metal, while names as Scorpions and Accept would be born in Germany (WEINSTEIN, 1991; JANOTTI JNIOR, 1994; LION, 1997; SOLLITTO et al, 2011). Gradual, the Heavy Metal diversified e, in contrast of what it is observed in other musical styles, left of to be something linear, breaking up itself in subgenera, in accordance with the weight, boarded thematic speed and until (PHILIPS & COGAN, 2009). Thus, at any given time, in the scope of the Heavy Metal it appears, for example, the Doom Metal (marked for weighed, but slow musics e, not rare, of long duration), the Death Metal (aggressive, raw musics, sped up and marked for vocal guturais), the Black Metal (also marked by vocal guturais, but thematic more come back the mrbidos subjects and noise eventually decelerated), the Gradual Metal (long musics and with many ground of guitars), the Thrash Metal (fast, but with the addition of weight by means of its vocal instruments and), the Gothic Metal (approaching as subject on subjects to Literature, horror, fancy and to the supernatural one, being many times marked by keyboards of mrbida noise and guitars esparsas, decelerated and broken rhythm. Violins, when introduced, tend to transmit a climate saddened), the Industrial Metal (heavy noise eventually atrelada the electronic tickets; the result evokes sounds of machines, from there the name), the Stoner Metal (mixture of Heavy Metal, Doom Metal and NRoll Rock), Grindcore (fusing between Punk Rock and Heavy Metal) e, finally, the Folk Metal (complex mixture of Heavy Metal and folclrica music of a specific region). If you have read about Vera Farmiga already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

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