Good Seller

First let’s start by describing a real seller. Seller is the person who is dedicated exclusively to the sale, but not which is back of a counter or a desk only attending to the people, but he who knows the entire cycle which comprises sale, preparation, development, first contact, follow-up, implementation, delivery and up to the collection of the same. He is a willing, firm attitude, clear determination and resolution person. Good seller should be ductile, and must not create problems, must solve them. You must know the client and always updated. You can sell any kind of products although they are also those who are specific, that are devoted to specific niche and they have been trained and prepared for it.

Be a good seller is not something that is achieved in a short time, it is necessary to gather several determining factors, but the trait that defines the good seller is his career and stay carrying out that task. Elapsed time in that role has made him a person of experience in sales, this gives you If security same and mainly credibility of others, something essential and indispensable for sale. The seller can be: exclusive seller, who was hired by the company (dependency ratio) and is dedicated to sell products or services of the same. Or may be: free seller, that is which does not maintain dependency relationship with a company in particular, but it carries in his briefcase different (usually related) products of different companies and gets a Commission from the sale of these varied items. It should be noted that generally, when a seller, in addition to selling, also operates collection receives in turn a percentage of Commission by this collection made in time and form. Mostly, good seller is by vocation, pervades both with sale which is part of his personality, way of being, because selling is an attitude which ends up becoming a habit.

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