Giving Maintenance

It is always important to have in good conditions our articles of skin. We would like decirte some tips for the care and maintenance of your chamarras of skin. In chamarrapiel we know that one chamarra of skin requires of certain well-taken care of and that they are not possible to be treated like synthetic or textile a chamarras, since the skin natural it is a unique material and by the same it requires certain well-taken care of that we will mention next: In order to clean a skin article it only uses a smooth sponge and a fabric type white flannel, pumpkin soap, this type of soap is ideal to clean one chamarra of skin and it does not leave residues. It begins cleaning to your article by sections rubbing smoothly the humid with a little soap of pumpkin on the surface of the article and later scala with the rag or flannel, later continuous sponge with another part of the article, thus until to have finished with all the article. It remembers not to wet the article because it is put rigid, only uses the humid sponge and soon scala with a flannel. Ten in account that not all the dry cleaners they specialize in skin articles looks for a specialized dry cleaners that they guarantee the cleaning to you and well-taken care of of your article otherwise the washing in dry can damage your chamarra seriously, chamarras that use protections as those of the motorcyclists they are not due to be washed by any reason in dry. If your article of skin gets wet ponla to dry in the shade and if frtala is put very rigid smoothly on itself. If your article is impregnated of penetrating scents like the one of the cigarette, the perfume or others, djala to orear in the shade.

There are products with silicones that specialize in skin articles and serve to give brightness when the article this opaque one or loses their texture, this product is greased with a sponge and it rubs smoothly in the article until absorbing the product. It always tries to have your chamarra in a fresh place, and kept well, scala to orear from time to time not to produce humidity in the article. Every certain time your article loses its brightness and it bleaches, approximately every four five years, for this are places where they specialize in dyeing chamarras of skin that they are mistreated or peeled by the time, doing them to shine like new. Desire that these advice help them to conserve their articles in perfect conditions, remembers that one chamarra of skin is an article that does not happen fashionable and with special cares it can last many years like new. I for example have a pair of chamarras that they have more than ten years and they continue themselves seeing like new how you see?

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