Fortalecer State

The Brazilian president allowed itself to challenge to Strap and he complained which the agent chief executives have appealed to " retrica" instead of to make decisions that would have allowed to conclude before with more concrete results. By then Peruvian president Alan Garci’a and the Uruguayan Tabar Vzquez already had retired of the room. Like it little review commitment of which the chancellors meet in September to continue speaking of the subject and the study of the impact of the presence of the United States in the region on the part of the Defense council of UNASUR is the unique thing that removed in clean from the meeting. Of the coup d’etat in Honduras and the flood to be able of its government de facto was not obtained anything more than a sentence. As if more they were almost worried about the official photo strictly speaking that reason why their chancellors were writing up as conclusion of the encounter, the presidents went to the patio of the hotel Llao smiling Llao and they removed the photo.

The certain thing like After seven hours of debate, it informed agency DPA, the reunited Chiefs of State in Bariloche (South of Argentina), within the framework of the Unasur, managed an arduous consensus to approve the document final. Final document: 1. Fortalecer to South America like zone of peace, jeopardizing to us to establish a mechanism of mutual confidence in the matter of defense and security, being maintained our decision to abstain us to resort to the threat or the use of the force against the territorial integrity of another State of the Unasur. 2. To reaffirm our commitment to fortify the fight and the cooperation against the terrorism and the transnational delinquency organized and its connected crimes: the drug trafficking, the traffic of small and light arms, as well as the rejection to the presence or action of groups armed besides the law.

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