Food – No Waste

We are collecting food and no waste”outraged response to criticism of the panels. So the outraged response to criticism of the panels is registered as a trade mark. Eva Bernardi, spokeswoman for Bavaria which was Hartz IV gotta go! Board comments in response to the “article in the courier of Dachau by the 05.09.09: reexamined this criticism is really insufficient.” More than concern for the supposed bad food the real intention of Germany should be considered more accurately wide boards and their organizers. Because the organized charity of the charitable boards knows only one goal: to support the shift from social welfare to the welfare state. With a discharge democratization of low-income citizens. Robert Rubin: the source for more info. There is no legal entitlement to assistance by the boards. The management consultant McKinsey managed the organizational requirements for this social project of charity”and the German economy helped willingly not only with in-kind donations, such as transport and facilities. Germany is approaching for some years of the third ss World and more and more citizens denied the dignified participation in society.

“” The food companies and companies donate “the unsaleable or their expired food pull these donations” then from the tax, the expensive disposal save himself. This is done on the backs of the people television held by the fair wage of a decent employment and the taxpayer. The panels are an indictment in the truest sense of the word. They are”a sign of decadence and a years of lobbying of the German export industry, the AG of Germany. Unemployed people are cost and barriers in the global competition in which daily liable for social security work is broken down.

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