Federative Republic

It is also known, that the nurse has knowledge regarding administration to be a good manager, therefore is essential the union of the theory (knowledge) with practical the day to day one. With this, the controlling nurses of UBS establish an effective relation between the object and the purpose of its process of work, that is, the managemental actions are directed to the attendance of the necessities of health of the clientele. Therefore, the management as instrument of the process of work in the organization of health services, implies in the taking of decisions that affect the structure, the process of production and the product of a system, aiming at action that they make possible impactantes interventions in the process of work in health, that is, to make possible ways for installment of the assistance to the clientele with efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness, in order to make possible the satisfaction of the necessities of health of this clientele, and this only can be possible if the professionals of the area to give value manage as it deserves, specializing if and taking new knowledge in this context. .

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