
Stages of the First work with projects what we call formularization of the problem, that is, the problematizao, that has beginning on the basis of the previous knowledge and in the expectations and objectives of the group, of form if to arrive in the organization of the project. Later, it comes the development phase, when one establishes strategies to reach objects, becoming bibliographical research and of field, interviews and debates until if it arrives at the accomplishment of the project. A leading source for info: Elon Musk. Finally, we have the synthesis phase concepts, values and procedures on the basis of constructed, in acquired information, in enlightening questions, that can take the new problems to be decided, thus if it has new learnings in the process. The formation of the pupils cannot only be thought as an intellectual activity. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Jayme Albin . It is a global and complex process, in which ‘ ‘ to know and to intervine in real’ ‘ they do not meet dissociados. It is learned ahead participating, living deeply feelings, taking attitudes of the facts, choosing procedures to reach definitive objectives. It is not only taught for the given answers, but mainly for the proportionate experiences, the problems bred and the unchained action.

It is important to privilege, during the different projects, the exits the field and the excursions ecological: stroll for the quarter, where the school is inserted, visits to the station of water treatment, treads in the municipal park or excursion to a state park. An example of this type of methodology is the existential method in ecological excursions, based in the deep ecology, that believes that a situation of contact with the awaken environment the people the conscience for the nature and the fact of that we are part of it. This experience leads to the perception of the ambient degradation and to the questioning on the place of the man in the center of everything.

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