Emotional Intelligence

Wikipedia defines emotional intelligence as the ability to recognize feelings own and others and the ability to handle them. Psychologist Daniel Goleman popularized the concept of emotional intelligence a few years ago in his book Emotional Intelligence to distinguish capabilities such as recognize our feelings and emotions, have the ability to motivate us, interact and relate with other people. Studies made by Dr. Goleman alongside other experts summarized in essence that a high IQ (IQ) does not always guarantee the personal, professional or financial success of a person; in studies conducted over many years could not be determined that persons with a greater emotional coefficient have achieved better financial results and professional in their lives. and to that comes all this and that relates to the marketing of networks?, has much, much to see why?, because in the marketing of networks we have to deal with constant rejections, involves having perseverance with the goals, it involves defer bonuses in pursuit of rewards in the long term, involves interrelate with people and auto motivate us not perish in the attempt to meet our goals, involves self-determination, involves a recognition to improve every day and have the ability to be aware in undertaking a journey of struggle and constant falls, there is where our emotional intelligence is put to the test and betray us on our capabilities and emotional limitations. With the evolution of technology, the development of marketing networks over the Internet has helped us to take advantage of the deal, to a certain extent more impersonal with people, and helps us handle rejection more efficiently, because not having a direct contact with the people, the disincentive effect is less. Maintain a network marketing business through the internet does not mean maintaining a low contact with our team, even more so on the contrary, it should be increased by the very nature of work online, than not to have direct contact, it is It is necessary to strengthen by this means in order to make it to last over time. An important aspect related to greater emotional intelligence is as regards the ability to defer bonuses, which although it is not the only aspect to network marketing businesses Yes it is; Unfortunately this activity has had and has its opponents and defectors that often have not the best comments on the mechanics of this activity. Even so and as in any business, network marketing gives his reward for all those who are willing to pay the price the price of freedom above safety, unlimited income above fixed income and as well as these two reasons are perhaps the main for the majority of networkers, so also there are many others that each entrepreneur considers important. Yes you already decided that this is your thing, I invite you to embark on this fabulous journey of personal fulfilment and of your dreams.

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