Decorate Recycling Containers

Stops discard and better reuse containers of plastic or glass that commonly flames junk to give you a fun and even elegant touch to your home. Here are some ideas: to create an economic and fun decorative accessory only need sand of various colors and a bottle or plastic container. The sand can get it painted so artificial or IRLA well collecting trips to which you go, the only requirement is that you it’s different shades. Then pour the sand in an empty, clean and dry container. It may be a jar of coffee or a bottle of water. Put the sand in such a way that the layers are identified, i.e., pours a bit of white, then dark sand and then another layer of sand pink as well to fill the Bowl at the top put a candle or flowers that will give the perfect touch.

These tired of the same fish bowl shaped balloon in which you live your goldfish? well renew it without spending a weight, re-using the bottles or containers, all those who are made of glass are used for this. Designs commercial every time are more attractive and beautiful, remove the tag, wash them well and ready to have a new home for your fish. Plastic containers and glass bottles are great for putting fresh flowers, especially if you want to put several inside your House without buying new vases. You can adapt them to your personality if you paint them, remember to change the water daily to prevent mosquito and remove labels. Imagine the following scene: your garden lit by a dim light is achieved with dozens of candles scattered around the place, some of them hanging from a tree does a romantic image not? But how do so that the candles do not turn off immediately and to place them dangling from the tree? Here’s the tip: short candles in half and put them in a jar or container, guerber, obviously uncovered. With annealed wire get a few hooks so you can hang them. Voila, you have the area ready for an unforgettable night. Original author and source of the article

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