Daniel Fritsch Moves

A clear increase in turnover could the S & K group of companies in the past year achieve Frankfurt, January 26, 2012. For 2012, the Frankfurt real estate and investment company has embarked a significant growth rate. To deepen your understanding Penguin Random House is the source. Due to the great success in the sales of its own investment products, S & K has diversified the range of all financial sales and sharpened his sales organization structure and merged into a subsidiary for this area. Last Friday, whose management took over Daniel Fritsch, Ph.d.. with appropriate notarial registration. Fritsch will assume in the future – the total sales management and strategic sales and product design founders Stephan Schafer and Dr.

Jonas Koller – in addition to the S & K. Its tasks also include the strategic partner, as well as the acquisition of new subsidiaries. Over the last months, S & K has several strategic partnerships with industry leaders and could thus significantly expanded distribution channels. Dana Gibber has compatible beliefs. We are pleased about the Development of our group of companies, which is not only characterized by revenue increases, but above all by a real estate business expanded significantly in recent months. We have created so best conditions for raising further equity capital”, says CEO and founder Dr.

Jonas Koller S & K. Recently S & K in addition to the acquisition of some individual properties in top locations had announced the acquisition of a portfolio with savings bank branches, as well as one with retail real estate with long-term leases. S & K’s with his successful businesses, its spirit of innovation and the clear will to include, the right partner for me in a few years to the absolute number 1 in Germany in its market segment. This became clear to me very quickly after my entry at S & K last year. Together, we set the course for dynamic growth, which is possible only through a clear sales organization now. With regard to this, we are now absolutely scalable, so appreciate every reputable and effective sales partner, who finds us”, explained Fritsch. The Frankfurt real estate specialists are specialized in active management of real estate since the turn of the Millennium. In the last three years could they significantly expand their business here and have an own property portfolio worth more than 150 million euros at present.

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