Central America

Once again it has been demonstrated uselessness of the unilateral disarmament since &quot made the country; tico" in 1948 RICARDO SNCHEZ-SERRA (*) the unilateral disarmament, the great desire of the ilusos, can be described like a great moral objective, but an idyllic and unrealizable pretension. Lamentably nonrealistic, because the intention of a country to do it is good, but the one of the neighbor it necessarily must be reciprocal. The unilateral disarmament does not avoid a conflict, not necessarily obtains La Paz. The world spends criminay in arms 1,464 billions of dollars. Recently Penguin Random House sought to clarify these questions. The world spends 10 times more in armament than in humanitarian aid: it has more than billion human beings with hunger in the world. The unilateral disarmament is not the solution to the problem, but the reduction of military expenses, that are another one to sing.

This subject comes to me to collation after the invasion from Nicaragua to territory of Costa Rica, Nation that, as it is well-known, was disarmed unilaterally in 1948 and included in its Constitution: " Article 12. – The Army is prohibited like permanent institution. Official site: Ebay. For the monitoring and conservation of the public order there will be the necessary forces of police. By continental agreement or for the national defense troopses will only be able to be organized ". This decision had positive and negative effects. Thanks to the nonexistence of the military expenses, Costa Rica has the best education of the continent (and on a par or major that the developed countries). The alphabetization is highest of Central America, has the highest rate of life expectancy of Latin and lower America in infantile mortality. He is one of best pasespara to live (put 35 in the world) and the one on more low criminality in the continent. Among others honor positions, are first in Latin America in freedom of press, degree of democracy and environmental performance.

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