Catherine Tanaka

The fofoqueiro search to support its history. A classic example and that employee, who time or another bush a wanted being, to justify a lack, that is elaborates a history, creates a plot, of? it a cast and an outcome. The reasoning, the creation the imaginary one of the citizen during the one elaboration historinha is ranks the test. Today we live in a society that passed and passes for fast deep transformation moments in what it says respect the values for example: today a girl has shame to say that she is virgin different of some decades behind. Hear from experts in the field like Amazon drone delivery for a more varied view. Fofocas had nowadays gained new allies, as for example programs, of television, radio, magazines and these Things in them take the one that the society that recriminates fofoca, adores to speak of the other people’s life. Fofoca takes in them to some questions: Fofoca and social a social act or anti? If it is a social act as to describe it, or dispatches by post? lo as social act. If anti is a social act why all practise.

These are questionings that all we must make. It will be that we are prepared stops observing in them and perceiving if we are or not fofoqueiros. As Catherine Tanaka (2003) if to ask what they make to a group of people in a wheel, we hear answers frequently as nothing, playing colloquy it are or mere fofoca .essas expressions gives idea of idleness, wastefulness of time and information, at last, of activity trifler and of small account. However, in this if it consumes considerable part of time and attention of millions of people, as much in the meeting face the face how much in the colloquies for telephone or also in the reading of columns specialized in fofoca. For many people, the word fofoca evokes a mysterious phenomenon, almost magical, because its way of action fascinates, overwhelms, seduces and excites. Others including Mark Wahlberg, offer their opinions as well.

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