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ANGELUS Policritica – Advertising, Feminism, Walter Benjamim Jacquerie Vogel, All Rights Reserved

This appreciation will be surely barren and inautntica; but it is not possible that the men accept the refutabilidade of certain images. Certain, it is that the advertising and the press control enough and strong these poor times, but is surprising the plasticity of this system; it is admirable the capacity of insult and elogiosa illusion that the people receive and feed in certain advertising campaigns, submitting all to all the luck of offences. It has that to be itself perplexo with these propagandas, ahead of the necessity not to use subterfuges to accumulate of stocks the people-product; therefore the aluso or the hint is not more necessary; it is said directly: – Deodorant x Uses and obtains many women; – New car t Buys, and it does not change of car, changes of life! This in fact is a prodigy, therefore the enganosa spalling of ideas arrived at the way masses that are not more at least disguise. On the other hand, the advertising executives seem to be more sincere, in way that, if for hypothesis, some person it obtains to understand its gift, it could be astonishhed, it can try to discover what it is illusion and what it is reality He seems honest demagogicamente. But, what the Sr.a Claire Demar would say, sainsimoniana feminist, opposite to the apelos of this advertising, incrivelmente carried through in century XXI? , what the Sr.a Claire would say for likeable and beautiful young woman who desires the likeable youngster as its dream of consumption in a propaganda of determined gasoline mark. Certain made, Mrs. Claire arrived to affirm that: ' ' the revolution in the conjugal customs does not become in the esquina of the streets or public square, during three beautiful days of sun, but if it carries through in all the hours, in all the places (&) in the long nights that transcorrem dull and cold, as as much in the conjugal alcove exist.

The Power

The espacialidade that it deals with Matta is without a doubt the parallel enters the space of the street and the space of the house, then the northeasterns in the Southeast cannot feel in house a time who, well are not come or that they are, however with limitations. The authors: Martins, Chau and Ribeiro make a description of which the Brazilian society is formed, that is not different of the Chronically Impracticable film. The Martins deals with a subject sufficiently observed in the Brazilian society that is the clientelismo politician, where the people becomes customer of the buying politician of votes during the partisan elections. On the other hand, a miscigenado and discriminated people for the race and color, however everything camouflaged, giving the idea of that everything is certain that the racial preconception does not exist in the Brazilian society. For in such a way, the Brazilian society is sidewalk in a way to corrupt with the social problems and to demonstrate that everything that was produced in the society was determined by the proper people. Of this form who is poor is predestined to be poor, while who is rich of any form was to the luck.

A Marilena, in turn, makes critical of a social formation of Brazil, (when it places That) the questions referring the colors of the flag and the letter of the national hymn, therefore nor everything that says is reality, of certain forms the Marilena made very well, why our native land is very generally not exerted by the Brazilians and yes, this patriotic spirit is only remembered at times of pantry of the world and in the truth the Brazilians, are not ' lying in splendid cradles, therefore everything this is an ideology, very pretty pra to be truth. It is a paradox what it demonstrated Marilena in its text. The people lives a conturbada social situation on account of the State mainly, that since its formation always it privileged the dominant elite and not it people in fact. Of this form, Brazil is without a doubt is, a permeia country that was born in way the exploration and corruption and that until today. The necessary society in fact, to have more conscience and to look for to change this scene or contrary case we go to be always attending real films.

Bibliographical references: CHAU, Marilena. Brazil. Founding myth and Authoritarian Society, Hucitec Publishing company, So Paulo, 1990. MARTINS, Jose de Souza. The Power of the Delay. 2a edition, Hucitec Publishing company, 1980. MATTA, Robert. What it makes Brazil, Brazil. 2a edition, Raco Publishing company, Rio De Janeiro, 1986 RIBEIRO, Darcy. The Brazilian people. Publishing company Company of the Letters, So Paulo, 1980.

Alfredo Birth Squid

It fell plus a minister. Normal! The faces had entered in marra, when former-president Lula had that to distribute the cake, now the president Squid does not have as to hold the wave of this galera. It made hunting, goes pra street! The woman is Bulgarian, braba exactly! Now the Orlandinho goes to have that to go pra line of the drawing of the ingressions for Pantry 2014 as the excessively mortal ones of this country. It lacks the powerful chefo of the CBF, that, according to bad languages, received a haul (metaforicamente speaking, it is clearly), but committed the slip of wanting to buy one jatinho a little expensive and of short while obscure form, and only finished giving to flag (this expression still exists? To give flag)Only, six inherited friends of the age had this year been shipwrecked Squid. The first one was the Palocci, that already fell for the second time, by the way (and this); later he was the Alfredo Birth, become minister of the transports after having destroyed the system of collective transport in Manaus with its famous Express; after that, it was pro shower more early, Nelson Jobim, that assumed to have voted in the Toucan for president; there Wagner Rossi fell; later, Peter You novate, that it paid governanta of it with the money ours, and also the motel, that nobody is of iron, n excellency? Tutti buona people! Then, for the floor of the covered cart, Orlando Silva does not need to have shame you are welcome, therefore he is not the first one and nor will be the last one to be I catch with the mouth in botija! After all, they are 24 ministries and more 9 secretariats with status of ministries, all pay for the contributor.

It seems that still it has much people pra to serve of ox of piranha! The question that is why the president Squid has that to accept this group amalgamated in its team? Some would say that it is a governabilidade question. That is, she is necessary to divide the cake, to distribute the despojos. The president of Brazil (or the president of Brazil will be woman) necessary to pledge until the underwears to arrive at the power, and, in the hour to recover the lost patrimony, does not have as to leave the side friends. Not to be that the friend steps on in the ugly ball! We are of eye!

Original Announcement

Twenty lines of plaintext of connections of affiliates towards a pile of different products, a good file of company/signature is not considered! In fact, Spam can very easily be considered. It tries to less than maintain his file of companies of five lines 3) Not to write its own customized copy of the announcement There is nothing no worse than to see exactly equal announcement in all Internet or messages of electronic mail of ten different salesmen. How much value can have a message that when this arrives at the reader seeing by tenth time? Tmese the time to modify the announcement to adapt to its objective public and the subscribers before sending it. Personaliza so that the announcement is own his, so that not even it seems an announcement more. 4) Not to pay by its own name of dominion and the lodging account The users of nascent Internet even can say when a lodging of sites is free they see when it. He is very little professional and he suggests his visitors who have not made any money in line and, probably, does not serve as much what they are offering. If you have not invested the minimum for the creation of his company online of correct form, then how can the visitors trust you? Less than $ 10 to the year for a name of dominion in and perhaps of $ 5 per month by a small account of hosting will not thin demaciado their banking account.

In fact, it is probable it will help that it to get fat in the long term. 5) Not to capture the email of its potential clients, before sending them to the site of the affiliate product If you spend his time of commercialization and money to obtain that somebody clicks in one of its connections of affiliate and next this it leaves the site without buying nothing, what has won? Nothing! You finish losing the time and money that took him to obtain that one of the connections appears in the first place. To establish a landing page to manage to capture the direction of its prospectus before sending them to the site of the product. From this form, if he does not buy can make a pursuit of them, and more ahead he returns to try it (time and time again and again). This can be invaluable! Now that you know of these five errors of affiliate to avoid, you would have to be able to make more sales and to increase his commissions like affiliate. So, to leave outside and to become the super affiliate there that always knew that it could be!


The logical text it author does not distort no psychological reflection in the previous chapters, only supports some hallucinations which the reader nor if of the account due the game of dramatical situations where he is involved. Everything blows up in an astronomical scale in them buys at auction ends of the drama, is where it succeeds the surreal reality, where the author dives in the fancy where the protagonist is the main one and perhaps the only focus. But what to say of the presence of Anita, what Donato wants to insinuate with presence, independent of psychic philosophical speculation and yes, the incorporeal presence of Anita, as fantasioso specter of the fertile imagination of Eduardo.

The presence considered in the previous chapters denotes a presence of vulgarity and sexual libido in tenra age of the young, that lives in the esplendoroso climate of sexuality and passion. In the esquina, decided Eduardo (resoluto) looks at last time for the window of the attic. In this hour, in hic hour, of the Latin, at the accurate moment, the present instant, the glasses had not confided (to unseal), the face and the face of Anita only appears for Eduardo, after the moved away flowers sees it completely to Eduardo. In the truth it did not have flowers, or any object in the hour where Eduardo sees Anita, already deceased, the author uses these alegorias to give sustenance to the subject, but in the truth Eduardo did not obtain to see nothing in around, for the scare where its mind comes across in relation to the mirage. Anita if presents completely and not only the face and later the body. It goes down until it, fantasiosamente paina it in air, as she is added to the power of the specters to float and its hands were crispadas, is the same that to encrespar or to franzir.

Brazil Airways

But the craze to profit from the things of the State had continued. Also mundaru of Brazilians ordered one to die in the Europe. Heroes yes. Ingenuouses would say ones. I would not say.

For other bushing of cannon. Also I do not agree. the fight in the Europe finished. PERPETUAL HEROES. what to make with all that scrap iron of war? Airplanes, trucks, tanks, machine guns, cannons, flame thrower, supplies of garnet, bazookas, mortars, tractors of war, ambulances, ships, sumarinos, hydroplanes, jeeps, coturnos, pants, underwears, shirts and the debt accumulated for the war, the Americans? the group who governed, then approved the purchase.

An evident example. The aerial sprouting of some company that used airplanes military, transformed and adptados for the transport of civilians. Celebrities DC-3. They had appeared the Real Airways of Brazil, Brazil Airways, Southern Cross, Panair, Vasp and other more. then the made a mistake ones of the life, that if considered the certainties of the life, had decided to buy the sucatas of war. had profited of unknown form. But as always the history happens in all, he appeared one somebody that spoke more than the mouth and placed its thoughts, its idelogicas position and used to advantage of the machine inventadade 1439 and divulged its opinions and thoughts in the paper and then you vary people they had believed and they pressured baixinho to go even so and it did not become supplicated. He was. But of definitive form. A ready shot and. Good until everything it knows here what it happened since then. But here it is that it appears a matogrossense of Campo Grande and it obtained to initiate an a real mess in the Brazilian politics, that so far the consequences appear in the television, searching ones face in the Araguaia. what everything this has that to have with the country that was born of a small great error? It is that today more than what and no matter how hard if never makes to finish with Brazil, of varied, heading these actions for dishonest politicians and partisan politics, stuffed forms of scandals, robberies, corrupes and bribes Brazil continues growing.

Benedict Nunes

Already in Anti-Picture the poet comes close itself to the ideas of the concretistas of the decade of 1950 and also suffers direct influence, according to Benedict Nunes, from Mario Faustino, with the book the Man and Its Hour (1955). In its as book, Max Martins starts to launch it the aesthetic universe would emancipate that it of drummonianas roots e, more still would become, it bonanza of the artistic point of view. We would still say, finally, that the style of Max Martins, in the book in question, is leagued, perhaps of unconscious and/or indirect form, to the one of the poet Joo Cabral de Melo Grandson, in special in what it says respect to the language antidiscursiva and to the so characteristic tone of impessoalidade of this author. With this, we can say that, estilisticamente, the difference between the Stranger and Anti-Picture is not of only 8 years, but yes, of 20 or 25 years. Anti-Picture is a book whose thematic essence is intent in poetical making, impossible not to notice the metapotico text of the book as a whole.

What it cannot be confused with what we call thematic unit, present in the previous book. Perhaps if it finds, in its as book, ' ' psychology of composio' ' (making analogy the Cabral Joo) of Max Martins. The three first poems of the book, ' ' The Estranho' ' , ' ' Aprendiz' ' ' ' Max, lean poeta' ' , they are interesting to say itself of this question of the metapoesia, since all invoke the perspiration that exceeds the inspiration way to the crisis it to make poetical or to become it poet. Valley to stand out despite this reflection on the poetry, in three poems, seems to turn itself toward the proper author, that is, I-lyric it speaks on the poetry of the author.

Latin American

For such end, the Group Common Market GMC will be able to establish or to convoke panels of specialists or groups of connoisseurs with the objective to count on advising technician. If in the scope of the Group Common Market GMC neither will be reached a solution, the controversy will be taken to the Advice Common Market CMC, so that this adopts the pertinent recommendations. Conclue, thus, when if it finds a consensus, differently of an exempt decision, where somebody would leave losing, what he would be less advantageous for the economy. Being, therefore ' ' Arbitrational court of the Mercosul' ' an improper forum to the legal relationships between private companies or interests, therefore involves governmental politics. 2. 2. Private Arbitrational courts Brought in the bulge of the foreign investments, speeding the solution of the modern mercantile conflicts.

They have the arbitration ' ' ad hoc ' ' (11) the necessary characteristics to the contemporary globalizado commerce, through the judgments technician, of the confidencialidade and the procedural celeridade. According to GROSSMANN, (2003) in the words of the Attorney general of Justice of the State of the Paran, Ciro Expedito Scheraiber: ' ' It affirms Landmarks Pablo de Almeida Salles, of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil/Canada, in interview to the Leading Brazilian business newspaper Latin American, who the arbitration increases in the measure where it has the increment of the foreign investments in the country. It considers Salles that Brazil is the country that has greater development in private arbitration, therefore its law is ' ' much boa' ' ' '. In honrosa exception, Chile did not need to adapt its legislation, as affirmation of the President of the Center of Arbitrajes y Mediaciones of Santiago-Chile, Dr. Carlos Eugnio Jorquiera, ' ' legislacin Chilean there relative to the arbitrational juicio, contenida en el Code Orgnico de Tribunales (C.O.T.) y en el Code of Civil Procedimiento (C.P.C.), you are adecuada y in ha meant un obstacle for el desarrollo del arbitraje, especially en el area comercial.' ' ' ' Such application has if coated in valid resource for pacification of conflicts inside of national economic segments, it is enabled now in its adequacy to the relations of the block of the south cone between ' ' entes' ' private to the performance of excellent mission.


The minimal conditions to be able to choose to obtain the enterprise classification on the part of the Administration are the following: To have own bottoms superiors to 6,000 Euros. That the countable net patrimony is major that half of the share capital. To have the book of inventories or the registered annual accounts. The use of the classification of companies is indefinite, whenever the conditions stay on the part of the classified company on which the concession was based. Although the use is indefinite is necessary to justify annually the economic solution of the classified company and every three years the technical and professional solution.

Whenever the company wishes to increase the groups or categories for which it is classified can ask for a revision of the classification of companies. The revision also can ask for it the administration if it has detected some change in the conditions on which this concession was based. In order to obtain the classification of work companies, the minimum own bottoms that are demanded are the following: Category To minimum bottoms 6,000 Euros Category B minimum bottoms 12,000 Euros Category C minimum bottoms 24,000 Euros Category D minimum bottoms 72,000 Euros Minimum category and bottoms 168,000 Euros Category F minimum bottoms 480,000 Euros In order to obtain the classification of companies of services the average annuity considers and the categories are the following: Category To if the average annuity is inferior to 150,000 Euros Category B if the average annuity is included/understood between 150,000 and 300,000 Euros Category C if the average annuity is included/understood between 300,000 and 600,000 Euros Category D if the average annuity is equal or superior to 600,000 Euros. To secure that a company obtains the enterprise classification is an arduous work in which several justificatory documents of the good economic and technical health of the company are due to present/display, for that reason is advisable that is a consultant specialized in these subjects the one that are in charge of the proceedings. These companies that are dedicated to manage classification files go on a daily basis to the Advisory board with new files, which entails to be informed at any moment into the march of any presented/displayed form, therefore if it is necessary to present/display more documentation in some tactical mission they solve, it with the greater rapidity possible so that file follows its course normal and as rapidly as possible to obtain the classification for the company client. A company that has obtained the enterprise classification, facing its clients has been able to increase its credibility since to be able to work with the Administration it demonstrates that the company is reliable economically and has the average technicians and humans necessary to carry out his work effectively. We transact its files of classification of companies so that its company obtains the enterprise classification. It can contact in: Original author and source of the article

Federal Norm

collides with the made use one in the Federal Norm that traces the general disposals on the ISSQN and that they will have to be obeyed by the legislation municipal' ' (CHAGAS, 2011). The author leaves clearly that this is a form to verify about what really is the substance that is come back to the examination of uniprofissional society conducted by the Decree n. 406, of 13.12.68, recepcionado for the Constitution Federal, remaining in vigor the special form of determination of the value of the ISS due for the self-employeds worker, and the societies of professionals, established for its paragraphs 1 and 3, devices that had not been revoked by the Complementary Law n. 116/2003, that currently it disciplines the ISSQN (CHAGAS, 2011). In these aspects, it can be affirmed that these liberal professionals, as cited, the example of the doctors, dentists, lawyers and others, when congregated in uniprofissionais societies, ' ' … incident could not be citizens to the payment of its ISS on the basis of aliquot on the prescription of the rendering of services gained by sociedade' ' (CHAGAS, 2011). E, in consequncia of this, these types of services given for societies that are formed by these professionals, will have to be citizens to the tax on the basis of a fixed annual value, calculated in accordance with the number of professionals integrate who them.

It is what in fact, it was verified in many instances that the jurisprudence looks for of some form to search the pacification of the generated conflict, in the direction to make possible that the uniprofissionais societies without enterprise character, in the terms of art. 9, paragraph 3, of DL 406/68, has right to the differentiated treatment of the ISS. It was looked in this arrives in port elucidative to weave some commentaries concerning the taxation of the incident ISSQN in the above-mentioned category of professionals, with target directed toward the collection of the ISSQN on the value for professional (uniprofissional) of the society, later will be elaborated a scientific article to extend the focus of this question.

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