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A Promise Of Humanity

A promise of humanity by stephen d ors seems truly out of this world today see crowds in row to see a corpse for several thousand years of antiquity, but is made news in the means by which this fury? will be a kind of psychic condition? Actually I don’t believe it as reality from that kind of emotion, rather corresponds to what gives us our essence in terms of own essence. In other words, the animals end up, the machines turned off, but in us it is something more; and this in the rainy days of Silicon that we live we have of asegurarmos in any case, despite the tecnoevo that leads us to be productive with the idea that any evolution of metaphysical is an attack against our power over nature. Those rows in the midst of 40 centuries that observed are perhaps the clearest voices to say that we still need a promise of humanity for each.

Homo Sapiens

Dear readers, today I want to convey what I think regarding the existence of the extratetrrestres or biologically intelligent beings outside our planet Earth, and to begin must say, that I doubt that the birth of this universe, i.e. the Bing Bang, about 15000 million years ago, have generated only a possibility of intelligent life (i.e. us), is definitely the opposite, there are many forms of intelligent life that evolved and continues to evolve, and certainly do not all have the base of your training to carbon, other will have another base element by saying to Silicon or manganese, and between the carbon base suddenly his DNA also is homo sapiens, or can be vegetable or saury DNA. There are so many possibilities. So, the day that man comes out to explore other worlds, should know to find way of life very different from which our experience and modern science have taught us. The possibilities that gives even the bing bang (because the universes yet this expansion, and even the big crunch or shrinkage), they are countless, countless, so we cannot say selfishly that we are alone.

God, our Creator, turned the singularity of the beginning of this universe, in a pluraridad of worlds and ways of life, in this sense, is also motivating, noted that all forms of intelligent life, whatever its biological settings, are all its manifestation, its essence, unavoidably. But, I must also convey that not all aliens are morally advanced, so many of the species that have visited us for millennia, it has also taken advantage of our ignorance, killing many humans, abducted, for biological experiments, thus also to happened with the animals and plants of our planet. I regret to say that many of those negative species still continue doing damage, it not you want for nothing our planet. And I say, even with its advanced technology really are beings that have evolved very little in the ethical moral; but there are also intelligent beings ethical who often even have helped many ancient peoples, they have taught our ancestors developed transmitting knowledge and technologies, to accelerate our evolution. Today, given that our analytical awareness is most advanced, only observed us from afar our evolution or involution, think that they would be willing to help us if we ask him.

Report Biology

Right of the Embryos Below will be cited some consideraes on the Report of Warnock leaving well clearly that it will be used in the field of the right, where if becomes relative the fact of what or who if it deals with. We will initiate for the rights of the embryos. We will raise colon: biology and the ethics. According to biology, the beginning of the life if of the one at the moment of the conception of a life and has right if to develop and to arrive tie the day of birth. But the ethical quarrels if use of several other principles based on proper biology. The perception of that the embryo is a specific and very complex objective in the ones of a possibility to justify this definition: ' ' one of the control points in the development of the individual is the formation of the canal prematuro' '. Most of the specialists after points out it for return of 15 day the fecundao.

This mark the beginning of the individual development of the embryo. The choice of this limit is compatible with the opinion of that they privilege the end of the formation phase as limit (REPORT of WARNOCK P. 104, cited for MOREIRA, 2002, p.346). As if it could speak in right of somebody or of something or even though of some thing that is only considered life from 14 day or 15 day after its initiation – or 40 days for others – or even though when only has its formed central nervous system? (Report of Warnock, p.104 cited by MOREIRA, 2002, p.346). Independent of this, as much of biological point of view as ethical, the fact can be placed of the following form: the spermatozoon, endowed with its proper metabolism, contains the genetic information proceeding from the father, while the ovcito, also carrying of proper metabolism, possesss the genetic information of the mother.

Hazte Obstacles

Your beliefs are controlling your destiny! If you feel suspended in the life, is possible that unconsciously you have beliefs obstacles that they are controlling to you. Although consciously it wants to achieve the success, unconsciously car-you are sabotaging yourself. I almost can listen saying to you: " Okey Edward, what I can do? " That good that you asked. first he is. STEP #1) Identifies Your Beliefs conscious Hazte Obstacles of them. Many of us we lived our lives like robots without knowing what it is happening in our minds and what it sabotages to us.

Which are the beliefs that they have to you suspended in your race, business, health, etc.? It takes minutes and it writes all the beliefs that they are preventing you to make important changes in your life. For this, it uses your newspaper of success. You have one truth? STEP #2) Defies Your beliefs obstacles If you are like the majority of people, is possible that you confuse your beliefs (maps) with the reality of that you are, you analyze but them deeply you noticed that for a long time you have accepted erroneous ideas that there are been limiting your potential and your greatness. The map is not the territory. Imagnate, on the one hand you want to achieve the success, but on the other side you have beliefs like: " The life is dura" " The money is the source of all the males" " The rich ones do not have sentimientos" " He is spiritual to be pobre" " I do not have luck, will not give trabajo&quot me; No it is a mystery that exists so many people who feel frustrated, striving as much to advance in their lives, being followed " rules of juego" and they are losing the great game of the life, because, like marionettes, they are being manipulated with threads of his mental maps.


OF OF the MILL After the death of the wife in an car accident, Miguel passed not to have more joy of living. For it, the life did not have more enchantment. It was moved away from the friends, was displeased of the work. It decided to leave the job and to follow a new route in the life. It decided to leave the capital and life in the interior. Its intention was to buy a small farm where it could live isolated of the civilization.

Consulting announcements of property in a periodical, it found two announcements of small farm the sales. It wrote down the addresses in a paper, caught the car and it left to the dawn for the interior of the state. But, in the passage it was lost in crossroads, when a strong fog went down on the region. It stopped the car in the side of the highway, left the lighted lighthouses and it waited that the fog if wasted. But, the time was passing and the time did not improve.

It tried to bind the car again, but the engine remained inert. It pressed the accelerator diverse times, without result. The gasoline tank was almost full. Finding that perhaps he was something simple to fix, it decided to give one looked in the engine. He opened the door and he left the car at the accurate moment where one I propagate appeared in high speed and it almost ran over it. Miguel played itself stops backwards, but some thing beat in its head. It was idiot, the sights had darkened, the legs had been bambas. He felt himself to fall and to roll for the soil. When finally he stopped to fall, he remained lying, looking for to regularize the breath and the thoughts. He saw himself lying on relva humid.

Surveys Remunerated

There are many ways to make money using the tools that Internet offers to us, one of these ways is to answer paid surveys. When the phenomenon of the remunerated surveys began, they were all in English, since the companies realised that them were of the United States and they were interested mainly in the native people of this country. Nevertheless, with the passage of the years, the companies began to have interest in the opinion of the people of Hispanic speech, since they represent an important part of the market. The phenomenon of the remunerated surveys also extended Europe, so that also surveys directed to the resident people in Spain began to appear. At the moment, many companies of surveys remunerated in Spanish exist, by means of who it is possible to make money, to accumulate points to exchange by prizes, to participate in drawings, to gain direct prizes, etc. In order to begin to be part of this system, you must registrarte in a good number of companies that realise remunerated surveys in Spanish. In many sites of Internet you will find lists gratuitous of these companies, and in other sites listings (supposedly more up-to-date lengths and) in exchange for a certain amount are offered. Nevertheless, to increase the possibilities of making a good money with the remunerated surveys, it is good idea to also register itself in the companies that are in English.

In order to register itself in the companies, you must fill a profile with your data, within which surely they are including profession, age, civil state, language, country where you reside, level of education, etc. Each company analyzes east profile, and if it considers that you are the type of person who wishes survey, will send its remunerated survey to your electronic mail. If you have registered yourself in many companies, you have majors possibilities that many surveys arrive to you to answer in this way, and you will make more money. Beam Click to see Here which are the best sites of of remunerated surveys and begins to make money simply to give your opinion.

Television Services

With the respective tests, Movistar has responded to the limitations of the rate flat ADSL in VDSL connections. The operator of telephony, ADSL and Television Services has denied through an email the big news disclosed on the website of ADSLZone in the morning. According to the mail information published on ADSLZone is categorically false, and this is intended to be false the images of one of the most respectable pages regarding information of broadband and cable connections. Movistar confirmed to Silicon News that the single rate which is applied to is the Mini worth 19,90 euros ADSL, which reaches a top speed when traffic exceeds certain gigabytes. Telefonica has said that he would confine any tariffs, also adding that this does not affect users who contract now or previously connections like the VDSL and other ADSL connections. This is great news for those who want to hire a fixed connection with Movistar, it is clear that this is one of the operators more faces of Europe. Now Movistar wanted to respond to the limitations of the rate ADSL flat in VDSL connections.

And One Day The Markets Changed Their Mood

What had to be done so that markets change in mood? That was the question that I left without reply in one of the latest articles in which I referred to the international financial crisis since markets kept its downward trend while the governments implemented extraordinary measures like the mega rescue in the United States.UU. and the historical coordinated cut in rates between the ECB, the Fed and other central banks of relevance, including the Central Bank of China was also. Actions increase finally titled the Wall Street Journal on its front page yesterday on the Internet. Markets radically changed the mood and registered strong increases, recovering bags part of what was lost in recent days. Asian markets had already issued signals that the day yesterday could be very positive. Then, in Europe continued optimism and hikes recorded a record level: selective of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange DAX ended the wheel with an increase of 11.4%, in London the FTSE 100 rose a 8,26%, in Paris the CAC 40 closed up 11.18% positive and the Ibex in Madrid by 10,65% up (its maximum historical rise).

U.S. and Latin American bags, in line with what was happening, were also strong hikes. Undoubtedly, yesterday was a historic day for markets and it was all euphoria. What had to be done so that markets change in mood? The answer is, just about everything. Is that the Governments of the United States.UU. and Europe have implemented a series of measures, practically the last that they had to take, to ensure the financial system against new episodes of crisis during the weekend. The IMF and the World Bank are also folded to support initiatives like several Latin American countries that have designed measures to limit the impact of the crisis.

Internet Marketing

Twitter in Mecadeo Virtual or known as Marketing Online, this everywhere… By the same thing, wondering how to use Twitter for internet is not new… Really amazing is the ability to keep millions of people connected anytime of the day and throughout the year via Twitter… Twitter gives us tremendous power to increase sales through people connecting as for example; fans follow their stars or connecting friends. Learn how to use Twitter as a marketing tool will help you expand your business online… Twitter allows you to get your message literally millions of people and this is perfect for a business online due to the speed… As any other advertising campaign, Twitter allows you to launch marketing campaigns from your computer or any device where you can connect… Internet online and offline this is something never before seen in the world of marketing… The world of marketing has changed through this method. Know how to use Twitter in the marketing by internet involves learning how and the Why is the marketing. In a nutshell, the theory is that it sends a message (tweet) to your friends list relating to something that is doing at the time of his workday. The process is that they sent a message to their lists and so on until thousands of people see your message. There are many possibilities for a good part of those thousands of people to respond to any call to action that you proposed in your message, as for example visit my website or something similar. There are good chances that any of these people who were called to action buy your service or product or, in the case of affiliate marketing, that visit the sites of affiliates. When it comes to using Twitter for marketing by Internet, must bear in mind that, due to its nature, its messages must be frequent and up-to-date. With each message that is sent, the effectiveness of viral marketing tends to wane, so its content should be interesting to keep people’s attention… Beyond this, is one of the ways more effective of doing Internet marketing. If you need your product or service is known, then Twitter is the place to promote it. It is demonstrated that Twitter is growing very fast and that speaks of this social network by all sides. There is a system tested on Twitter, take him to hone his Internet marketing, only here… Like me, you will be surprised with the success that will be using this system. Click here to try it!

Marketing On Facebook

Facebook is one of the best platforms that exist to carry out marketing a business, since you can reach potential customers from all over the world thanks to the many tools that the popular social network makes available of the users. This article will address some of these tools: applications, groups, events and pages. One of the keys to succeed thanks to Facebook is to avoid performing a kind of aggressive marketing. Here is where come into game applications for Facebook. A company can advertise their products in a little commercial way through games and quizzes.

Groups are individual websites focused on a theme. They are very interesting to interact with regular customers and potential, since forums can create and post videos, photos, links create events is the best way to advertise more directly on Facebook, since invitations can be sent to all fans of a page. The pages are especially interesting since, in them, you can perform an exhaustive presentation of the company. Let you use flash and HTML.

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