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The Question

However, if these phenomena are not gifts and other indications still compose this picture, not if it can consider it as a neurosis, therefore it is mentioned to another type of structure. Of this form, the analyst is taken to perceive of general form, the psychosis concept. Miller (2010) establishes that the fact to generalize the psychosis represents that Name-do-Father is inexistent. ' ' Name-do-Father is a predicate, always is a predicate. It is always a specific element among others that, for subject determined one, he functions as Name; ' (p.20).

To if affirming this idea, one becomes to extinguish the barrier between psychosis and neurosis. It is a representation similar to the fact of if affirming that all the people are insane people, resulting in the declaration of that all the individuals have its particular way to be delirious. Lacan writes on this in the year of 1978. Clearly that this is not the only form of classification, but of certain form, the clinic is accurately thus. You cannot function as psychoanalytic if she is not conscientious of that what knows, its world, is delirious fantasstico, we can say, but fantasstico means delirious exactly.

To be psychoanalytic is to know that its proper world, its proper fancy, its way to make sensible is delirious. This is the reason for which vocs they try to abandon it exactly to perceive the proper delirium of its patient, its way to make sensible. (MILLER, 2010, P. 20). Ahead of these arguments, it was objectified to answer to the following questioning: Which the main difficulties in becoming the diagnosis of an usual psychosis? One estimates that the absence of elementary phenomena (hallucinations, deliriums and others) can cause impediments in the diagnosis of the usual psychosis. This work for contributing for the advance of a scientific study was justified on the question of the diagnosis of the usual psychoses, a time that the existing research does not tell with clarity on such context.

Wolfgang Hageleit

Mr. Hageleit, what distinguishes a geothermal power project in particular? Wolfgang Hageleit: First of all the group has much experience and expertise in the field. We are also constantly striving to employ the latest technology. Geothermal energy is an exciting field, very much happening here and the is always very forward. For example, In our projects the seismic instead of 2D-Seismik is used. This is approximately comparable to 3D and 2D-Ultraschall. Through these studies, we can reduce the productivity risk enormously before starting with the hole at all.

So a quite a difference. What about financing? Wolfgang Hageleit: The cooperates with various reliable investors and offers a unique financial concept. We press the operation of the plant also with partners. In addition, the geothermal projects are also an attractive investment opportunity. Geothermal has enormous potential for the future. Mr Wolfgang Hageleit, we thank you for your time and wish you all the best as a racer, and as managing partner of the group of companies. Wolfgang Habeeb: Thank you! Our commitment in the field of renewable energies we build continuously from it remains so exciting anyway! The group of companies: The group of companies was founded in Regensburg and engaged in topics related to environment and renewable energy.

The focus is on the construction of geothermal and solar thermal power plants and the expansion of Smart grids. Another important focus is the development of projects in the area of Electromobility. The group is today leader in many areas of Green energy and realizes projects all over the world. Florian Fritsch is the Managing Director of the group of companies, Managing Director is Wolfgang Hageleit.

Volkswagen Leasing Gmb

Also at the international level, the bog conservation projects due to the signal effect of the Volkswagen win leasing /. NABU-cooperation important. So, a particularly big problem in terms of the bogs in Russia revealed himself. Almost 200,000 hectares of forest and bog were lost alone in the last great fire two years ago. For 40 years, such disasters repeat again and again. This emitted large amounts of carbon dioxide emissions. During Soviet times, where huge areas of the Moor have been drained.

We examining, how with the help of Volkswagen AG, which already produced in Russia at several locations, a Rewetting or wetness can succeed”, says Miller. The early initiative from VW has brought the topic of bog on the agenda of the whole group leasing.” “The award winners: savings could be increased through use of modern vehicle technology also for the award winners of last year’s results: in the first category largest percentage fuel economy” Staller located GmbH in the small fleet class secured the first place (up to 150 vehicles). The pharmaceutical company lowered its average Fuel consumption of the fleet by 11.2 percent. When the fleet of 150 vehicles, the Altran drove GmbH & co. KG, a reduction of fuel consumption by 5.1 percent to rank one. “In the two categories of lowest average consumption” and largest share of consumption – and emission-reduced vehicles of the Volkswagen Group “again there were double winners. Last year took the care team how Wentland in the small fleet class with an average consumption of 5.58 litres on 100 kilometres and a share of more environmentally friendly vehicles by 92.8 percent ranked first.

HypoVereinsbank was also successful. Whose pool fleet cars consume 2012 an average of just 5.02 liters per 100 kilometers, with environmentally friendly vehicles accounted for 100 per cent in the first half of the year. This also meant number one spot in the large class of fleet. Information for editors the Volkswagen Leasing GmbH is an operating subsidiary of Volkswagen Financial Services AG. The company is on the lease of individual vehicles to private and corporate clients with a comprehensive Specialised range of services as well as the management of vehicle fleets.

Managing Director

ekonomo, the practice range of established entrepreneurial training in the fields of controlling, cost accounting and calculation starts 2010 with new training concept and an extended range of topic. Bruchsal, January 26, 2010. The new training concept of ekonomo GmbH is aimed at Managing Director, entrepreneurs, employees and founders of new businesses, which would acquire controlling basics or advanced practice knowledge. The concept consists of multiple, consecutive modules. In the context of evening events, 1,5-tagigen practice and intensive workshops or the compact Seminar week in summer 2010, interested in small and medium-sized enterprises – to acquire knowledge in the fields of controlling, cost accounting and calculation according to individual needs -.

10 years of practical experience and 6 years active lecturer at various dual universities guarantee practice. Central components are examples of real-life”and the discussions of the participants themselves. The new training topics QI 2010 where on February 03, 2010 taking place “Entrepreneurship training controlling with the BWA” interested essential meet the BWA (business evaluation in accounting) as a tool of business management. A week later, on February 9, 2010, participants and others about the small-scale structures of strategic corporate planning, the key components of a successful business plan and any pitfalls in planning can check the 2010. The topics of cost analysis, calculation factors, as well as the teaching of calculation methods in practice are taught on February 24, 2010. Hourly rates determine”offers a glimpse into the efficient on the evening of 3rd March 2010 and informed analysis of operational costs, through the identification of employee and machine hourly rates, to create a reliable pricing basis.

Framework Programme Research

Organic caterer select catering Berlin provides for sustainable event framework at the results of the climate change negotiations in Copenhagen Berlin Magnus Haus using the Federal Government in the fight against climate change and for the strengthening of global sustainable development had become therefore more sobering. The Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) now takes the initiative and launches the new framework programme research for sustainable development ‘. ” The Ministry provides significantly more than 2 billion euros by 2015 to ensure. The new framework programme includes a wide range of research: improved energy efficiency and resource productivity will be key issues. This work should help to curb climate change. At the same time, the Ministry supported such scientists, develop adaptation strategies against the effects of climate change. The BMBF is built more infrastructures, which should help to further investigate the Earth System.

This involves climate change also still to understand better. International research cooperation – especially with emerging and developing countries are another focus of the framework programme. “Germany is a technology and market leader in the areas of climate protection and adaptation to climate change already. Also in the sustainable management of resources and innovative environmental and energy technologies Germany has a leading position worldwide. With the new framework programme announced, this position will strengthen and expand. “We go to everywhere on numerous partners in the world, with them together technologically convincing solutions to find, which will help us all”, Federal Research Minister Annette Schavan said now in Berlin at a public consultation with high-level representatives from science and industry. Fair trade products, catering in organic quality and the effort to keep as low as possible, the CO2 emissions associated with this event tipped the scales to select catering Berlin with the support of this event. Culinary Highligth by the way, were iced coconut chocolate balls which are produced according to Antwerp recipe in Berlin.

In the ecological sense, but any enjoyment requires also the reflection on its production and origin. “Climate change and water scarcity, threat to biodiversity, as well as the supply of raw materials and energy represent the human challenges of unprecedented magnitude. Here, we need to develop quick strategies and instruments. “, Federal Research Minister Annette Schavan said.

Oxygen Developer Syncro Soft

Data2Type partnership includes oxygen developer Syncro soft Ludwigshafen, 19.03.2010 – the data2type GmbH cooperates from now even more closely with the Syncro soft Ltd, the producer of XML editor oxygen. Use as a educational & consulting partner the data2type XML specialists the oxygen editor in the development of customized software solutions. He is also an important element in the training of the Ludwigshafen expert team. Oxygen offers the advantage that it is the appropriate platform for developers of XML solutions, as well as for authors of XML documents”, so Manuel Montero, Managing Director of data2type. “Montero: soft as educational & consulting partners we contribute by working closely with the developers of Syncro to the optimization and enhancement of oxygen.” The data2type GmbH, headquartered in Ludwigshafen, Germany was founded in 2005 by Manuel Montero. As a specialist for all questions the company in the field of XML developed cross-industry XML solutions, perfectly tailored to individual tailored to its customers. While data2type opts for standardized languages such as, for example, XSLT, XSL-FO and XML schema. Syncro soft Ltd.

The software company Syncro soft Ltd. was founded in 1998. It is characterized by a broad expert knowledge in the area of XML related technologies. The main product, oXygen XML editor that meets the standards of the W3C and other organizations. Through its intuitive and innovative XML IDE, the editor improves the development performance of XML experts. Syncro soft is member of the W3C.

Options Analysis

To make it easier to answer this question, I will describe the advantages of both methods of data reduction statistics: Counter – advantages over log analyzer: Ability to accurately determine the user through the 'Cookies; Ability identify old / new user, possibility to determine display settings for user ability to determine the use of user-Java, JavScript, Cookies; Ability to determine the use of user version of JavScript; Ability to determine the use proxy user; Ability to determine the use of frames; Ability to determine user's time zone; Ability to determine the user's browser language; Opportunity O graphical counter on your web pages; – advantages over Counter: If the user leaves the page quickly, the counter may not have worked, respectively, the loss of accuracy statistics, but the server always commits to a log file entry user No one counter is not the following information: downloading files, multimedia files, flash objects, pictures, etc.; Recognition of search engines; Counting traffic; analysis of access codes to the pages; Determination method of access to pages; Determination of hacker attacks on your server. So, if you want to solve the marketing problem, then it is necessary counters, as log analyzers critically ill-considered visitors. If you need technical information from the site, you need a log analyzer. Typically, these two methods of counting used in parallel to each other..

Vitramo Gmb

Who invested money in the insulation of its building and thus greatly reduces its energy consumption, which should look for a heating system cheap to buy and install”, recommends Lars Voss, Managing Director of Vitramo GmbH, a manufacturer of infrared heating elements from the Baden-Wurttemberg Tauberbischofsheim. Gas or olzentralheizungen beat in the purchase and installation with some ten thousand euros, infrared heaters, however, only several thousand euros. The expensive boilers by the reduced consumption costs pays for itself, decades before May. Lars Voss is recommended for new buildings, infrared heating systems especially if the heating is combined with a photovoltaic system. Outside the heating period, when direct injection is carried out only on a small scale, it feeds the Sun a generated electricity into the grid during the heating season one takes him back, so that the LCA remains neutral overall. Night storage heaters infrared heating replace by the year 2020 all night storage heaters in buildings with more than five units must disappear in Germany that the law requires. Infrared heating systems could acquire here as a good and cheap alternative.

How about radiation heaters who heat with infrared heaters, decides not just for power as an energy source instead of oil or gas; He also relies on a completely different way of heating. While the water heating is called convection heaters, radiant heaters are infrared heating elements. The air is heated in convection heating and it rises to the top. The cold air sinks to the bottom and is heated in turn. So, the entire air gradually warms up. But turbulence due to the airflow.

Circulate dust and House mites, which especially for Allergy-free of disadvantage is. Also feels the man air currents and temperature differences in the room uncomfortable. Over time, the air is dry, and dry out the nasal and pharyngeal mucous membranes. Heat like the Sun, however, is radiant heating a heating form that is most beneficial to the human organism.

CNPJ Protocol

All its trajectory is registered in documents, since its creation, until the current days. Being preserved in the archives, that can also be defined as: ' ' the commanded document accumulation created by an institution or person in the course of its activity and preserved for the achievement of its objectives politicians, legal and cultural, for related instituio' '. (CASANOVA, 1928 apud SCHELLENBERG, 2005, P. 37). nich. The cultural values are preserved in the enterprise and institucional archives, demonstrating its growth, and its conquests before the society where it acts. To recognize the culture of the society where he is inserted, to analyze as to work this culture they are important factors for the development of the companies and institutions. The archive through its documents makes possible to make this analysis. 2,1 FUNCTIONS PROTOCOL SECTOR Let us see an example of functioning of the protocol.

A company needed a negative certificate in an agency publishes to participate of a licitation process. For in such a way, this document needed to present the CNPJ.A card apanhar, the person in charge signed the protocol book, accusing the withdrawal it document in the specified date and schedule. The CNPJ was taken to the agency, and after taking you provide them to all necessary to the attainment of the certificate, the responsible one for the execution of the activity again returned with the CNPJ to the sector from archive, signing the protocol book, where the devolution of the document was written down, in the specified date and hour. All the instances of these encaminhamentos involve tasks that constitute protocol service, that can be summarized: to receive, to register, to distribute, to put into motion and to forward correspondence inside of a company or organization. But attention: the word protocol can also have other significaes. It costuma to assign the given record number to one determined document or, still, the book of received and forwarded document register.


Regarding the divinatory Arts in these times, fortunately there is a curiosity and therefore an approach of respect and admiration for the best tarot readers. This understanding and approach to the world of clairvoyance and tarot can avoid many mistakes in people who, either by the pace of life that is usually carry, either for fear of making decisions, sometimes usually raise the doubt of where we’re going and if successful or not what a priori we do, and that decision making unsafe there is no doubt that fatally affect the future of life of many people. In these situations of doubt, tarot and clairvoyance are excellent knowledgeable of the paths of human beings. You know its complexity and its crossroads, its delicacy and its shortcuts. It is imperative to choose with security, to verify that us you’re talking from the disclosure of the essential facts, the adventures, sorrows, hopes, illusions which arouse us various things of our lives, from birth to the dawn of our days. Tarot and clairvoyance from the most absolute of responsibilities, will lead us to feel that life gives us everything, but can also snatch us. The tarot is a lovely world that galloping events that arise from our own destiny involved in opening up to the world that we live, trying not to break the charm, making that they transcend the limits of who, are sceptical by the density of its contents and the high spirit of altruism that since ancient times people equipped with come doing for first caressing the Tarot cards, and then transmitting their messages with the sole purpose of making an accurate and happy stay of our human experience.

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