Brazil Airways

But the craze to profit from the things of the State had continued. Also mundaru of Brazilians ordered one to die in the Europe. Heroes yes. Ingenuouses would say ones. I would not say.

For other bushing of cannon. Also I do not agree. the fight in the Europe finished. PERPETUAL HEROES. what to make with all that scrap iron of war? Airplanes, trucks, tanks, machine guns, cannons, flame thrower, supplies of garnet, bazookas, mortars, tractors of war, ambulances, ships, sumarinos, hydroplanes, jeeps, coturnos, pants, underwears, shirts and the debt accumulated for the war, the Americans? the group who governed, then approved the purchase.

An evident example. The aerial sprouting of some company that used airplanes military, transformed and adptados for the transport of civilians. Celebrities DC-3. They had appeared the Real Airways of Brazil, Brazil Airways, Southern Cross, Panair, Vasp and other more. then the made a mistake ones of the life, that if considered the certainties of the life, had decided to buy the sucatas of war. had profited of unknown form. But as always the history happens in all, he appeared one somebody that spoke more than the mouth and placed its thoughts, its idelogicas position and used to advantage of the machine inventadade 1439 and divulged its opinions and thoughts in the paper and then you vary people they had believed and they pressured baixinho to go even so and it did not become supplicated. He was. But of definitive form. A ready shot and. Good until everything it knows here what it happened since then. But here it is that it appears a matogrossense of Campo Grande and it obtained to initiate an a real mess in the Brazilian politics, that so far the consequences appear in the television, searching ones face in the Araguaia. what everything this has that to have with the country that was born of a small great error? It is that today more than what and no matter how hard if never makes to finish with Brazil, of varied, heading these actions for dishonest politicians and partisan politics, stuffed forms of scandals, robberies, corrupes and bribes Brazil continues growing.

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