BAI Started Her Career Graduates Index – IV 2009

Finally a real recovery or Flash in the Pan? Significantly more positive forecasts of the International Monetary Fund IMF has communicated in a forecast update to the World Economic Outlook, that they expect a rise in global gross domestic product (GDP) to 3.9% for 2010. In October, the Institute was assumed by 3.1%. Germany ranks in the developed industrial countries with the evident increase in forecast with a GDP increase of 1.5 per cent (previously-0.3 per cent). Germany benefited from the revival of world trade over the past few months. The graduates-graduates-index follows this example and sets out sensational 27 points. Significant trends welcome news for academics: without exception, all considered areas can achieve growth in the winter of 2009. Most clearly reflected the positive trend (+ 133) engineers, biologists and chemists (+ 63) and electrical engineers (+ 51). Material engineers (+ 11) and the environment-oriented sectors of Business Informatics (+ 15) benefit the least.

Economics (+ 17), as well as the industrial engineering and management (+ 19). Economics of graduates graduates index for economists does it again to get up the losses from the crisis. With a gain of 17 points, ranks the Department while the rear seats, but still benefits from the improvement of the economic climate. Computer science graduates with an expansion of the volume of posts to 34 points deliver an above-average result computer science with a total rise of BAI to 27 meters. A particularly good opportunity for companies and (computer science) graduates to know is, as every year in March, in Hannover for CeBIT. “Focus in this year in the areas of connected living” – this involves destination ITS the networked House,”topic is the car of the future and Broadband World” expansion of broadband networks.

Mechanical engineering bad news everywhere, but BAI machinery seems to run away from the generally negative trend. What is surprising and positive result: 34 points plus compared to the autumn quarter. However, some industries are in the last year the worst crisis since the end of the second world war. So also the mechanical engineering. For 2010, industry insiders hope but at least on a sideways movement. The descent seems probably for the time being stopped. Electrical engineering a noticeable volume of additional graduate places (+ 51 points) contradicts the recent bad press news even when the electrical engineer. After all, the situation in the German electrical industry are slowly improving. The negative rates are still small: In December 2009 new orders only by almost eight percent have fallen behind their previous value. The production 2009 remained 21 per cent below its prior-year level. For the current year is expected with a production of 3 to 4 percent. The natural sciences take Biology-Chemistry back significantly on travel. The labour market situation for biologists and chemists looks like for physicists and mathematicians far better, than the overall average. They have 63 meters in the winter quarter gained. For chemists, who find a job in the chemical industry to about one-third, it is positive in the weight that the industry could put nearly 14 percent of sales in December. Order of the BAI,

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