ANGELUS Policritica – Advertising, Feminism, Walter Benjamim Jacquerie Vogel, All Rights Reserved

This appreciation will be surely barren and inautntica; but it is not possible that the men accept the refutabilidade of certain images. Certain, it is that the advertising and the press control enough and strong these poor times, but is surprising the plasticity of this system; it is admirable the capacity of insult and elogiosa illusion that the people receive and feed in certain advertising campaigns, submitting all to all the luck of offences. It has that to be itself perplexo with these propagandas, ahead of the necessity not to use subterfuges to accumulate of stocks the people-product; therefore the aluso or the hint is not more necessary; it is said directly: – Deodorant x Uses and obtains many women; – New car t Buys, and it does not change of car, changes of life! This in fact is a prodigy, therefore the enganosa spalling of ideas arrived at the way masses that are not more at least disguise. On the other hand, the advertising executives seem to be more sincere, in way that, if for hypothesis, some person it obtains to understand its gift, it could be astonishhed, it can try to discover what it is illusion and what it is reality He seems honest demagogicamente. But, what the Sr.a Claire Demar would say, sainsimoniana feminist, opposite to the apelos of this advertising, incrivelmente carried through in century XXI? , what the Sr.a Claire would say for likeable and beautiful young woman who desires the likeable youngster as its dream of consumption in a propaganda of determined gasoline mark. Certain made, Mrs. Claire arrived to affirm that: ' ' the revolution in the conjugal customs does not become in the esquina of the streets or public square, during three beautiful days of sun, but if it carries through in all the hours, in all the places (&) in the long nights that transcorrem dull and cold, as as much in the conjugal alcove exist.

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