American Governments

To the extent that the village itself has been understanding that you there a leading democracy and participatory, that he surpassed those old representative schemes, taxes to our bourgeois democracies across Latin America, in times past by the neocolonialistas policies of the different American Governments. Here in Venezuela, has surprised them as it came through a democratic and peaceful, true popular dictatorship that decides everything from the exercise of the vote. Venezuela Sra. Clinton, changed forever, with a town that supports its Chairman and a President who works based on those who have least. Very different to the practices Sado-masochists that her husband Lord practiced with their secretariats in the White House. Here there is morality to govern. Click New York Life for additional related pages.

In Venezuela, there is a true dictatorship of knowledge and knowledge, because this Government has turned the barracks into schools and universities, has become the budgets for weapons and bombs, plows and tractors, to sow the land and to cultivate the knowledge and intellect. Now there are more schools and universities, in those many years of democratic and military regimes that you white, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant, with its double moral of the carrot and the stick, imposed in our country and throughout Latin America, for many years. Remember, the Perez Jimenez, the videlas, the Pinochet, Rios Mont, the Hussein, the Uribe and Santos Bin-laden, you created them. As well as they have recently created all those who might be called the Montesinos, Los Fijimoris, Los Rosales, Posadas Carriles, the Allan Garcias. Frankenstein, that have become in many cases, signs of their own lack of ethics and morality. These have been and are monsters who have murdered and pillaged with impunity to our people, with the support of the different American Governments. Here there is a dictatorship of the creative love, well-being of a people and the integration of our continent. Here are some dictatorships that have overcome by love of illiteracy, hunger, ignorance, marginalization and the lack of health, scourges which could not overcome many years of dictatorship and bourgeois democracies imposed by you from the Department of State of the United States of America.

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