Alfredo Birth Squid

It fell plus a minister. Normal! The faces had entered in marra, when former-president Lula had that to distribute the cake, now the president Squid does not have as to hold the wave of this galera. It made hunting, goes pra street! The woman is Bulgarian, braba exactly! Now the Orlandinho goes to have that to go pra line of the drawing of the ingressions for Pantry 2014 as the excessively mortal ones of this country. It lacks the powerful chefo of the CBF, that, according to bad languages, received a haul (metaforicamente speaking, it is clearly), but committed the slip of wanting to buy one jatinho a little expensive and of short while obscure form, and only finished giving to flag (this expression still exists? To give flag)Only, six inherited friends of the age had this year been shipwrecked Squid. The first one was the Palocci, that already fell for the second time, by the way (and this); later he was the Alfredo Birth, become minister of the transports after having destroyed the system of collective transport in Manaus with its famous Express; after that, it was pro shower more early, Nelson Jobim, that assumed to have voted in the Toucan for president; there Wagner Rossi fell; later, Peter You novate, that it paid governanta of it with the money ours, and also the motel, that nobody is of iron, n excellency? Tutti buona people! Then, for the floor of the covered cart, Orlando Silva does not need to have shame you are welcome, therefore he is not the first one and nor will be the last one to be I catch with the mouth in botija! After all, they are 24 ministries and more 9 secretariats with status of ministries, all pay for the contributor.

It seems that still it has much people pra to serve of ox of piranha! The question that is why the president Squid has that to accept this group amalgamated in its team? Some would say that it is a governabilidade question. That is, she is necessary to divide the cake, to distribute the despojos. The president of Brazil (or the president of Brazil will be woman) necessary to pledge until the underwears to arrive at the power, and, in the hour to recover the lost patrimony, does not have as to leave the side friends. Not to be that the friend steps on in the ugly ball! We are of eye!

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