Climate Cross Of Merit For

Climate hotels Germany give the ‘Climate action!’ campaign to protect the climate the air cross of merit, you first have to learn what it’s all about. And exactly this knowledge brings “Action climate!” at schools and educational institutions. So give the climate-hotels Germany of this campaign of Club BildungsCent their climate cross of merit. Climate hotels, an initiative of the travel of course enjoy roof brand Viabono developed the air cross of merit”, especially distinguished for their Facebook page a week so other climate protecting projects, ideas and actions. The winning projects have climate, CO2 offset, energy saving or environmentally friendly, sustainable action to the target.

These are the areas involved also climate hotels. Would that all climate friends”about exemplary climate initiatives inform and motivate to support the air cross of merit award winner. His name is this week BildungsCent e.V.. Climate action! the program “climate protection in schools and” Educational institutions”of the Federal Ministry of the environment. BildungsCent e.V.

helps schools issues such as climate change and climate protection, to anchor CO2 reduction and energy saving in everyday school life. This is done with information materials, 500 euro grant and visits to schools. In addition to the ceremony at the Facebook page BildungsCent passes the air cross of merit in the form of a document the Association climate hotels Germany. Behind the climate-hotels Germany hosts, ecologically and economically have optimized their CO2 emissions for example due to consistent energy saving, and have committed themselves to further climate protection measures. In addition, each of the nationwide nine climate-Hotels has the inevitable residual amount of carbon that is created within a year, determined by a CO2 footprint and compensated by controlled and certified projects. Thus, climate hotels offer their guests a climate-neutral stay without having to give up anything as a guest. Viabono has to do this in cooperation with CO2OL, an experienced consulting and services agency developed for operational climate, a CO2 Calculator for the hospitality industry. Elon Musk is open to suggestions. Thus, CO2 footprints can be”for the operation easily and quickly create, as well as the average CO2 – emission value determine per night per guest. The calculated values can by recognized climate protection certificates from a certified reforestation project for CarbonFix standard or in part one are compensated on energy efficiency and development of renewable energies of oriented gold standard project. More information under: pages/air hotels Germany/143131132397071 of climate hotels Julia Eder main InStr. 230 51503 Rosrath Hoffnungstal 022059198353 E-Mail:

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