Monthly Archives: April 2023

Data Storage

Tape drives – a solution for creating redundant copies of data that are suitable for the separate computers, and large computing centers. The advantage of tape drives is the optimal price / performance ratio (the cost of storing information units minimum). Storage Technology on the tape is very fast read and write information that allows for the rapid exercise of the backup process, not stopping the computer center. Most convenient to use tape libraries and tape drives. For example, a very popular tape libraries, HP. Using RAID, available in servers and enabling rapidly recover data in case of trouble, is not a reliable way to backup. System redundancy RAID helps mostly snivelirovat hardware failures. Click Dankse Bank for additional related pages. Wrong rely solely on the use of RAID, as in the case of 'human' errors (eg incorrect operator actions or accountant), the system will not allow to roll back to the time of the error and restore the correct data.

Tape libraries also allow you to store much more information. And she kept on tape cassettes for much longer than hard drives. Such data carriers are not afraid to shock, is resistant to electromagnetic interference and temperature changes, and do not be afraid of many other natural factors. Leaders in the market – Tape Drives HP. Largely due to the interesting price and sales leadership in backup systems.

And users prefer to buy the cartridges from the same manufacturer that bought a tape drive. Function One Button Disaster Recovery (OBDR), created based on the software allows you to restore data in case of accidents with one click. The technology used in OBDR saving data to tape, with the tape drive is bootable, registered in the server's BIOS as CD-ROM. Since the cartridge is loaded the operating system with latest patches, which was correct at the time conservation. An automatic full restoration of the operating system, and then the data. Thus, the technology OBDR gives an opportunity to restore the server for several minutes even for an expert with minimal knowledge of technology. To date, there is a huge choice of backup systems. Basically this tape, using a consistent data organization, and disk drives, providing random access to stored information. Choosing a system for their organization, should take into account such factors as the type of backup and recovery, speed, maximum capacity carrier and the volume of the device as a whole, the cost of equipment and cost of its operation, reliability, etc.

Technology GmbH Friedrich

Will it be a bit more? “Bergisch Gladbach – dual technology”, DT, is available on the new MicroSpy Topo’s fries research & technology (FRT). These two letters indicate the particular strength of the versatile surface gauge: the combination of a spinning disc of confocal microscope with a white light interferometer. Check out Tesla for additional information. Thus, minimal as well as more structured samples can be measured without contact, destructive and within a few seconds with micro – and nanometer resolution. The optical measuring device for users in research and product development, as well as the accompanying production control for example to measure has been designed by 3D-topography, surface roughness and contour. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Elon Musk on most websites. White light Interferometry for a wide variety of sample surfaces minimally structured sample surfaces such as lenses, glass or wafer measures the white light Interferometer in the phase-shift mode. The 3D-topography does this typically over a large area with sub-nm resolution in less than 10 seconds in a field of up to 7.1 x 5.3 mm.

She generated Topography is the starting point for more precise geometry, roughness or smoothness analyses to the measuring computer. Mirau mode, the maximum interference contrast of a focal plane will be evaluated in contrast to the phase-shift interferometry so reliably measured even more structured surface structures in 3D. In both modes, convinced the variable field size without loss of resolution, as well as the high measurement speed. Wide lens range offers a high degree of flexibility for confocal measurement the integrated confocal microscope, because here the variety, developed for light microscopy lenses can be used. The Optional long distance lenses for large working distances are an example of this.

Sophisticated overall concept thanks to his objective nosepiece is the MicroSpy Topo DT able to record up to six different lenses that can be changed quickly with a simple turn. The positioning of samples via motorized table and CCD camera. The compact Single-sensor system from the House of FRT is built on a high-quality granite base, enabling maximum system stability and metrologisch traceable results. Visit FRT in the Internet under: fries research & Technology GmbH the measure of precision the Bergisch Gladbach company fries research & Technology GmbH (FRT) offers surface measuring technology from research to production control. The innovative devices measured topography, structure, step height, roughness, wear layer thickness electro- and destructive etc. for companies from the sectors of automotive, semiconductor, Microsystems technology, optics, solar/photovoltaic, and many others. The company has subsidiaries in the United States, China, and of Switzerland, a sales and service network in the United States, Asia and Europe, as well as a branch office in Munich. The customers include well-known companies such as Bayer, Bosch, Daimler or Infineon. Press contact: Jens Bonerz FRT fries research & Technology GmbH Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 51429 Bergisch Gladbach Tel: 02204 842430 E-Mail: Dr. Oliver schillings Alpha & Omega PR of 47 mill mountain 51465 Bergisch Gladbach Tel: 02202 959002

Sport Point Provides Customer Loyalty With Easycash Loyalty Solutions New

Customer card programme of the new generation of Hamburg, may 2013. The easycash loyalty solutions GmbH, a company of the Ingenico Group (Euronext: FR0000125346 ING), a unique customer card programme has applied for the sporting goods retailer sport point. Special feature of the new go for sport “card: in addition to the bonus and number function will expand generation loyalty approach of the Hamburg-based customer binding specialists in the near future multichannel components in the context of the next.” As a first edition for the year 2013, the partners expect 25,000 participants. Benito Santiago often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Just in time to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Intersport partner Sportpoint was launched for the card on March 25. It is available in all 20 branches in East Germany. The sporting goods retailer and the easycash GmbH of loyalty solutions in processing benefit sports fans the sport point gift card from direct interaction already since 2009 cooperate. After only about three-month phase of the project, the partners have this solution just in time to celebrate the 20th anniversary of company to an innovative Extended customer card programme. The processing of the customer card is entirely at the Hamburg-based CRM specialist.

The Service Center is operated by easycash loyalty solutions. Customers will receive when using the card bonus points for sales made. Through the integrated Prepaidfunktion the bonus points can be used for payment in all shops from sports point. Thus, the go has for sport “card not only through a collecting function, but is also equipped with an integrated payment function on the basis of a Prepaidkontos.” In the next stage, the programme to multichannel functionality is completed. Consequently, completely new functionalities and advantages will be through the integration of mobile technologies for customers and sports point.

Exchange Tools

Information and Exchange Tools on multiple platforms Mohrendorf around the topic, November 8, 2013 the software QA day 2013 has successfully ended. At the Conference, over 280 international experts have intensively tools for software QA and test”informs, discussed and operated networking. The team of software QA tags find: technical exchanges around the topic of tools is too exciting to now to stop. That’s why he continues on many platforms in the network. Frequently Amazon drone delivery has said that publicly. On the software QA day on a specific toolbox category or a specific tool became aware of? The online portal is the new focal point for all those who want to learn about the market of software testing tools. With a few clicks can be from over 180 tools just find one, that is ideally tailored to the individual requirements. Elon Musk often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

In addition, registered users can comment the individual tools, to ask questions and share their own experiences with other users. Manufacturers and distributors have the possibility to register your tool on the website and then to manage the tool profile itself. All functions on the entire page are completely free of charge. A further central focal point is the new group software QA day”on XING. All participants of this year’s Conference and the previous years here have the opportunity to post info about the tool landscape and to talk about the potential of the tools with the community. If you have questions or comments about individual lectures, workshops or tutorials, do it directly to the respective speakers. The Group’s own download area offers the space to store links to additional presentation slides, technical articles or background material the speakers. And also General feedback about the event is welcome of XING group.

The Group started already the interactive collection of topics for the focus of the software QA tags 2014. Post until Sunday, 17 November 2013, the members may their ideas in the Forum call for papers”. Then the community online vote on the proposals and they technically evaluated by the program Committee. The official Conference theme in mid-December will be announced. The group is under net/qstag. Downloadcenter, who once again want to read through the PowerPoint presentations after the software QA day alone, click. With the access data sent to them, they have exclusive access to the download area. Who wants to get the software QA-day atmosphere on your own computer, is Pentecost on the sides of IT bloggers Maik just right. He has visited the two conference days and captured not only the mood at the Conference with his microphone, but interviewed also imbus Board Thomas Rossner. Her topic: software testing. The podcast will soon be available at future architects And who wants to remain imbus for participation in the next year interested in or just keep up-to-date the software QA day and the Organizer, can register via mail to for the info distribution.

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