Monthly Archives: May 2018

Prentice Hall Customers

3.1 IT ANALYZES AND RESULT OF THE RESEARCH? Graph 1 – Quality in the attendance As we can evaluate the graph above, perceives that the service given for sobral the Mitsubishi concessionaire, meets in an excellent level. This research presents a previous recognition of the customers that searchs attendance qualified that the same one offers. Graph 2 – service given in the maintenance sector In accordance with the research of field, made through a questionnaire can be perceived that evaluation made for the services given in the sector of maintenance of the concessionaire presents an excellent result although the few people not to be satisfied. Graph 3? Factors of In agreement satisfaction present the graph the company have a high degree of cordialidade with the customers. Graph 4? Factors of insatisfao the evaluation of the research made with the customer internal of the concessionaire, evidences that it does not have customer unsatisfied with the services given for same the 4 FINAL CONSIDERATION In days of great competitividades, the importance of the quality perceived for the customers tends if to become still bigger, raising itself, each time more, the demanded levels of minimum quality. In the truth, perhaps, the notion of value perceived for the customer, understood as resulted of the comparison between benefits and costs involving perceived quality and price, the best a loyalty of the customer and the success of market of the institution. Satisfied or indifferent customers can be attracted by competitors. The satisfied customer with the mark, however, is more inclined to remain faithful the spite of attractive competitive offers.

Another point important to detach is perhaps that studies indicate that the consumer is each more demanding day, because already do not need to beg for scarce goods and the volume of available services, as well as, of rendering comes frightfully in recent years increasing. However, to deal with these situations exist countless instruments to the disposal of the involved professionals with such activities. The companies, independent of the performance sector, had never had as much access to the technology to know its customers and to learn if to relate with them. The products are if becoming each time more seemed, this form, what it goes to make the difference is the service, however, if it cannot forget that to give a good service it is very difficult, and the price that the organizations pay when does not obtain to satisfy its customers is very high, therefore in the market highly competitive it is who goes to determine if, in the end of the accounts, the business or the company survives or not. It adds this the fact of that when a customer abandons the company for the fact of the service not to have taken care of its expectations, to attract it again, if it becomes much more expensive and difficult that to conquer a new customer.

5 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES HOFFMAN, K. Douglas; BATESON, E.G. John. Principles of marketing of services: concepts, strategies and cases. So Paulo: Thomson, 2003. KOTLER, Philip. Administration of Marketing: The edition of the new millenium. 10 ed. So Paulo: Prentice Hall, 2000. 6 ______. Methods and techniques of social research.

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