Monthly Archives: December 2016

Then Luis

And this was a torment for Luis. There was no what did not get more coins. Seek by all sides and in all parts of your home, and find coins was difficult due to the precarious situation economic in that home. So much was his eagerness in searching, that exhaustion overcame him and up came to desist from the idea of taking a walk that day. But to see the passing of the hours and the arrival of the night, in addition to past its time to go to walk, Luis came go to his wife who ironing one of their shirts at that time, despojandose his pride and in a way more decent than in any of the other days to ask:-don’t have a dollar to me prestes? It ceased its work in for a second and somewhat surprised I watch it to the face staring, and then a pause and without saying anything, went to the site where it was his wallet, I take a dollar purse, give it to Luis and he returned again to his work without wield any word, movement or expression that could give rise to any thought of complacency or contradiction. Then Luis in an ironic Act and tone of mockery as a sign of their personality predictable, repost you: I hate you and then immediately went to find his lottery ticket.

They were eleven and fifteen of the night when Luis armchair came to listen to the radio the result of winning lottery numbers. Surprise that would leave him perplexed and without aires after comparing those numbers with your ticket, because he knew that he had become the winner of the night, the possessor of the Jackpot for a moment. What you untie the emotion and the cries which then were heard to the other room where it was Juliana, who prey to panic did not understand what was happening at that time until then he saw Luis jumping of joy by so much emotion overflowing.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Term CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Administration of the Relations with the Clients, has become a fashionable word. Much is listened to the term in the enterprise conferences, publications of business and generally in many means of information related to enterprise improvement. What we have found in a high percentage is that many people have listened on this term, but in fact they do not know or they do not know that it means and what is its tangible application and benefits for a organziacin. Therefore we want to share with you a simple presentation in which we want to expose of clear form that it is CRM and so that it serves. In our daily work like consultants in the subjects of CRM, SFA and Centralization in the Client we were with people who have much restlessness of how to be able to take advantage of these administrative techniques to generate benefits in their businesses. Lamentably the great ignorance exists in which CRM means and the form as it is possible to be implanted and to be useful in the company. When realising an exercise to deal with to explain of simple form east concept, we were that an industralist or a professional of the areas of trade, sales or service to the client on the matter frames his restlessness in 5 key questions to include/understand that it is CRM.

We have developed a presentation that tries to respond the 5 following questions: 1. What is CRM? 2. Is applicable CRM company? 3. Is prepared my company for CRM? 4. By where beginning an Initiative of CRM? 5. What I do if we are not preparations for CRM? In this presentation we tried to give answers to these questions that can help to include/understand like obtaining benefit for their organization of CRM. CRM is not technology, it is not only software that is bought, it installs and for that reason already we are going to have satisfied and faithful clients. CRM is a business strategy that it requires to be included/understood and to be applied in the precise measurement of each organziacin. We invited it to consult the presentation and bajarala to its computer without no cost, Can visit the section of Guides Free of CRM in our vestibule Culture Client or to go to 5 page called Key Preguntas on CRM. Original author and source of the article

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