Monthly Archives: September 2016

National Talent Hunt

In the first part of this article, we talked about: – the importance of talented professionals, in particular – of managers for the company's success – the importance of an attractive brand, as a good place to work – the importance of recruiters "New wave" (both internal and external) in the next war for talent. Today we'll touch on some features of the search for the "stars" as they look for and how to check? 4. How do I search most effective way of finding qualified candidates – with the help of recommendations rather than a collection of potential candidates gathered on the Internet. Standing candidates can still be found if customers ask for recommendations. We always ask our customers tell us about those who comes on the heels of them. In fact, competition spills over into the war for talent, m, ideally you need to hire the best employee of your competitor. In love, war, and in recruiting – all means good (or almost all). Ask your client some simple questions and you will reduce many hours of searching: Do you have friends in your industry who may be potential applicants for the job? Do you have friends who can act as referees? Do you have the latest list of participants of seminars or conferences, where you been? Where do your employees before they come into your company? It is also important to ask the client or hiring manager about the people they know, but who were not yet of interest to them.

The Car Of The Future

The iCar could become the first car of Steve Jobs. This prototype fruit of a joint venture between Volkswagen and Apple did not become a reality, but his ideas continued with its own life here have as the first car of Apple, the car of the future could the iCar, referred to by some as the first car of Steve Jobs, was born in 2007 fruit of the collaboration of the Volkswagen – automobile – and Apple – technological – giants. With a modern image of clean lines, never it failed to become a reality. However, and as recently confirmed Mickey Drexler, Member of the Board of Directors of Apple, Jobs had among their projects develop a car true to the design of the Apple company. Look at the automotive industry, is a tragedy in the United States who are designing cars?, asked the American Executive, before confirming that the dream of Steve (Jobs) before dying was to design an iCar. However, Drexler has indicated that the deceased Jobs did not have time to make this project which, in his view, of having become a reality had cornered probably 50 percent of the automotive market.

Despite its non-release, the iCar drew up some ideas that they continue to own life towards the future in particular, our gaze is transported to the year 2015. Close your eyes and come with me. This is the aspect that might have the iCar of Apple and Volkswagen. A different project which, unfortunately, did not reach fruition and could never be converted in one of the cars of Steve Jobs who both spoke.

The Public Administration

To follow, it is looked to delimit the space of understanding concerning the object so that it does not have distanciamento of the question proposal. Many are the definitions for the word administration. Vocbulo encloses the superior activity in such a way to plan, to direct, to command, as the subordinated activity to execute. (Di Pietro, 2003, p.53). Administration can itself be appraised as the process or dynamic activity that consists of taking decision on objectives and resources. The process to manage is inherent to any situation that has people using resources to reach some type of objective.

The last purpose of the process to manage is to guarantee the accomplishment of objectives by means of application of the resource. (Maximiano, 2000, P. 54) To if defining Public Administration, it is needed to inside classify the expression of the existing directions, the objective and subjective material and the formal one. In ample direction: The Public Administration, subjectively considered, in such a way understands the governmental bodies, supreme, constitutional (Government), which incube to trace the action plans, to direct, to command, as well as the administrative agencies, subordinate, dependents (Public Administration, in strict direction), which incube to execute the governmental plans; still in ample direction, however objective considered, the Public Administration understands the function politics, that traces the governmental lines of direction and the administrative function, executes that them. (Di Pietro, 2003, p.54). The definition for Public Administration in strict direction understands, under subjective aspect, only the administrative agencies, and under the aspect objective, only the administrative function, excluded, in the first case, governmental bodies e, in as, the function politics. (Di Pietro, 2003, p.54) It is necessary to distinguish the functions from the State. The functions are: legislative, judiciary and executive. Predominantly, each Power exerts one of these functions. It is needed to focar, however, in the executive power that is, in last analysis, the proper administrative function of the State.


But their citizens sail in the limb of the moral decomposition If they have forgotten in confusion the first principles social and human growth, printings originally in the company/signature, and happens the species of which the State is over them with comfort (the unique State that morally is below their citizens are the fallen one); then there will be no single projected shades more, without aspiration to the ideal elevated one. Any CONATO that by social nature a State undertakes in positive sense will be destined to the failure, because it will appear the Christian metaphor to preach on rocks or the bolivariana of sandarac tree in the sea. One will score towards you bring back to consciousness petrified or pulled back that will not bid up by the childbirth of the revolutionary idea or eugenic moral, given his intellectual incapacity. On the citizen moral quality it will depend the projection of principles and executive of the State, besides his existence. By them it is that the expression fits here of which the towns have the deserved governments (good or bad), that not to the inverse one (in idea, the S-state a morally elevated elaboration, at least from the informed point of view).

A demoralized society will never have the arrest of not being translated in the inoperancia of a State. Devoid of lights as it is, orphaned of rational tools to exert the critic and to make petitionary of positive changes, on the contrary will touch to the State with the contagion, the chaos and the political decomposition. An informed humanity is guarantee of itself, of advance in the civic gradation. If a State is fed in its leadership of the pool where deed, is not the time much that will happen so that, like the citizen, it also forgets the high principles the company/signature of the contract.

Fortalecer State

The Brazilian president allowed itself to challenge to Strap and he complained which the agent chief executives have appealed to " retrica" instead of to make decisions that would have allowed to conclude before with more concrete results. By then Peruvian president Alan Garci’a and the Uruguayan Tabar Vzquez already had retired of the room. Like it little review commitment of which the chancellors meet in September to continue speaking of the subject and the study of the impact of the presence of the United States in the region on the part of the Defense council of UNASUR is the unique thing that removed in clean from the meeting. Of the coup d’etat in Honduras and the flood to be able of its government de facto was not obtained anything more than a sentence. As if more they were almost worried about the official photo strictly speaking that reason why their chancellors were writing up as conclusion of the encounter, the presidents went to the patio of the hotel Llao smiling Llao and they removed the photo.

The certain thing like After seven hours of debate, it informed agency DPA, the reunited Chiefs of State in Bariloche (South of Argentina), within the framework of the Unasur, managed an arduous consensus to approve the document final. Final document: 1. Fortalecer to South America like zone of peace, jeopardizing to us to establish a mechanism of mutual confidence in the matter of defense and security, being maintained our decision to abstain us to resort to the threat or the use of the force against the territorial integrity of another State of the Unasur. 2. To reaffirm our commitment to fortify the fight and the cooperation against the terrorism and the transnational delinquency organized and its connected crimes: the drug trafficking, the traffic of small and light arms, as well as the rejection to the presence or action of groups armed besides the law.

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