Monthly Archives: June 2016

Groups And Social Service

The author presents in a doutorado thesis of an analytical reflection on the groups, pontuando its comments and perspectives concernente the continuity of the research with groups, using itself the references of Jean Paul Sartre displayed in the book ‘ ‘ She criticizes of the Dialtica’ Reason; ‘ of 1960, covering a first historical partner in the field of the production with the groups, the author argues incisively with questionings on them practises group contemporaries, emphasizing that if she cannot leave to consider the social historical conjuncture, cultural and politics of the group pursuings, positively to understand its dynamics. It appraises that certain particularitities cross what is produced by the Institucional Movements, detaching some publications that support empirically its defense of thesis. The author makes vindication to the fact of the collective of the groups how much the organization in intention to make solid conquests of being able and the ample participation as exemplificado for the workers in the Europe.

She brings to the light a reflexiva quarrel on the social groups and classrooms, enaltecendo the question in the scope of the relevance of the category in the marxist vision. She emphasizes the multiplicity of involved extenuating circumstances in the construction of the social classrooms, making according to author, the revolution inside of the revolution revolution, or same for the continuity, she makes what it to question on the capacity of organization of the groups, however the same one she cites the importance of the movements for the collective fight capable to transform. Thus the author discourses on the condicionantes of the perspective dialectic for intervention in the groups, focando as objective of the related thesis, the exploration of ways theoretician-operative that contribute for the work of the Social Service. The author finishes detaching the theoretical contents that she judges of great importance for understanding of the practical groups and the group ones in the context of a capitalist society, without however locking up to the quarrel on the subject.

Gestational Diabetes Study Group

In our country the tracing of this type of Diabetes is universal. The accompaniment of the pregnant must be effected by one equips to multidiscipline specifically vocacionada and with experience in this illness. The therapeutical one of the pregnant woman with DG has some sources that include measured farmacolgicas in such a way, as the related ones with the nutrition, education and programming of the physical activity. The importance of the knowledge of the dose of insulina adjusted for the beginning of the treatment of a patient with DMG is closely on with maternal-fetais a glicmico control fast better resulted, reducing in this way the number of perinatais complications. (BUCHANAN and KJOS, 1999). For being a problem of public health it deserves attention and cares on the part not only of the gestante, but of the people who follow this woman, a time who the potential factors of risk to this future mother premakes use to the appearance of some not inherent complications to the childbirth in itself, more yes, due to base illness. Another important fact that we must stand out is how much to the rapidity with that the glicmico control is established, where will provide better resulted perinatais.


Popular Parliamentary Group

Francisco Distinguished Lerena was born in Valdemoro (Madrid) the 23 from January from 1964. Married and with two daughters, one received the master’s degree in Economic and Enterprise Sciences in the University of Alcala of Madrid. Francisco Distinguished was director of financial analysis of Interdealers S.V.B and the Socit Genrale, where also he showed the position of bank director. Between years 1999 and 2003 he was advisor of Caja Madrid and Ibercaja, as well as advisor of electrical French SNET, in representation of ENDESA from 1999 to his appointment like regional advisor in November of 2003. During I SAW legislature was Secretary General of the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Assembly of Madrid and at the moment he is member of the Regional Executive committee of the Popular Party of Madrid.

Francisco Distinguished happened to exert government competitions after the municipal elections of 13 of June of 1999, when chosen mayor was from Valdemoro, since he maintained until the 22 of November of 2003. Then, he was appointed advisor of Transports and Infrastructures of the regional Government, position that carried out until December of the 2004. Since then, it developed its work to the front of the Council of Presidency of the Community of Madrid, position that made compatible with the one of Secretary General of the Madrilenian Popular Party. After the elections celebrated in May of the 2007 it happened to direct the Council of Presidency, Justice and Interior of the Madrilenian Government and was reelected like Secretary General of the PP of Madrid in September of the 2008. Francisco at the moment Distinguished is the Secretary General of the PP in Madrid and Senador by the Community of Madrid. You can follow Francisco Seeded in: Twitter: FranciscoGranados Facebook: Francisco Distinguished Flickr: Francisco Distinguished Slideshare: Francisco Distinguished Linkedin: Francisco Distinguished Youtube: Francisco Distinguished

The Groups

In this sense, has contributed to its development, expansion and maintenance: sociology, cultural anthropology, collective psychology, social psychology, field theory, factor analysis, the formal organization, sociometry, analysis interaction, the social group work, Gestalt, psychoanalysis, the movement of human potential development, psychotherapy, family, etc. And recently the third force and psicologiaa humanist. a In this sense, Tenema that these principles are: The atmosphere, the reduction of the order, the distributed leadership, flexibility, compression of the process, consensus, formulating goals and continuous assessment. a then describes each one of this principles: a) a Environment: a The group must interact in a favorable physical environment, how conducive to the type of activity that has developed. Because the environment directly influences the atmosferaa a or a climaa the group, therefore, must be arranged to contribute to participation, spontaneity and cooperation of all members. The location should not be too big or too big or too small, we have to save every detail, so that group members might be conveniently to exchange ideas, perceptions, feelings, fantasies, etc.. Face to face. a 2) a Reducing bullying.

a interpersonal relations should be friendly, cordial, frank, open, open, mutual appreciation and collaboration. The fact interact in a group, can produce feelings of fear, inhibition, hostility, and shyness, which led to intimidation or physical or psychological avoidance of some members of the group. The reduction of tensions and conflicts, fosters teamwork and productivity of the groups. Friendly interpersonal relationships, reduce the injunction and allow or provide a change in group dynamics, so conflicts or interpersonal problems become targets of the group (primary process).

Leo Group

Group elements (earth, air, water, fire), fire, air, land and water are 4 of 12 astrological elements. This category – the most important factor in compatibility (biological and psychological), which promotes strong relationships. Of course, any two people who were born under different signs can receive sexual pleasure from each other. However, for long-term dating, for the feeling that you ‘belong’ to him, he will, ‘I knew you all my life’ best to choose a partner from the same group to which your sign. The principle on which the signs are distributed to the group – their position in a horoscope with respect to each other.

We consider each group. Fire. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius The main feature of this group – this activity, energy. These three characters associated with the fiery, active mental and sexual processes, and these signs are not so strong, criss-crossing each other, such as signs of water. Even in the most closely related these signs, there is something like comradeship, familiarity. Each party wants to live an independent life and a very Radko subordinate his entire life to another person at the cost of their individuality. In this group you can meet many couples who can endure long periods of separation and to maintain strong feelings for each other, and at the same time they pursue their individual goals. The keyword in this group – personal independence. Although all people of these signs of hot and quick-tempered, their minds are focused on career, finances, and they want to be in the spotlight, in plain sight.

Small Groups

Examining the Beddings of the Small Groups For: Amilton Wedge ' ' Because nobody can launch another bedding, beyond what already it is rank, which is Jesus Christ ' ' .2 The success of any enterprise passes for a clear perception of the vision, mission and objectives of the initiative. The declaration of vision answers to the following question: what we want becoming in them? That is, what we will be? The mission designates the reason for which the enterprise exists and what it will make. The objectives are the specific tasks to be done in a period of determined time, destined to fulfill the mission. In the context of the Small Groups it is not different, but also, the success depends, amongst other aspects, of one fulgente intuition of theological, historical, sociological and organizacionais the aspects of this ministry, and the Bible presents ample evidences of these beddings, the theological evidences teach that the essence of God is community, and as God does not exist alone, Its people also cannot existir.3 Ademais, God waits that Its children live in community, Jesus dreams of the unit for all the Christians, reason for which we must make with that the church pursues this untiringly ideal.4 the historical evidences discloses that the small group is a program of God for all the times. Throughout the ages, we find forts evidences of this plan.

Not obstante, it is in the New Will that we find arqutipo supreme of the life in community; Jesus in them presented the ideal model when establishing the apostolic PG. The sociological evidences indicate that the man is a social being, were formed to live in community, however, the current world live the drama of the solitude, of the broken relationships. The interdependence human being is dived in deep crisis, then, That one that cannot make a mistake, presented the small groups as a plan to restore the life in community.

The Kabbalah

We focus on me, I, I how can I feel better?, and what can I do to win, me, more money/fame/power? However, we know clearly that this way to happiness is paved with competition, envy, solitude and pain. Obviously, this is the opposite to what we think when we are in love, when all our thoughts are directed towards each other, and the only thing that matters is that person. When we are in love, just think of what we can do for him/her? If we look at our everyday reality for a moment, and look at us from a broader perspective, we will see that we feel better precisely when we are in harmony with the quality of love, because we intoning our inner frequency to a frequency that is prevalent throughout nature, the flow of the entire universe. If asked even to scientists, they would agree that all living organisms, comply with the law of love. This is because all the other parts of living organisms and cells interact according to the principle of granting, giving one another, constantly, with the purpose of caring for the essential functions and the well-being of the whole body and its vitality. Even human bodies adhere to the laws of nature in this same way, since the Agency works to an animal level. It is only in the human level of our interactions in our thoughts and feelings-we started to divert us in another direction.

The human level in us is where we feel our I, our identity, and our constant concern to ourselves. Since this part in us is focused on profits and personal interests, usually we do not realize that the world is a whole, holistic, interconnected and interdependent. In other words, we are losing sight, that the pleasure or the suffering of other people are intimately linked to our interiority, and that our well-being directly depends on the well-being of others. The Kabbalah helps us to refocus and see in detail what is happening, as when you look at things under a magnifying glass. Then we realize that the law of nature, of absolute love universal, instinctive, natural, attentive and careful – is far from being made at the human level.

When we harmonise with nature we experience a love Infinity if we change this trend, and begin to consider others according to the Act of granting, feel that special feeling of love all the time, not only in short periods of time; Since we will be participating in the flow of nature, integrally, as do the cells of the body. We simply fusionaremos us with the rest of nature and everything that surrounds us, in pure love. This harmony with nature to human level will bring a feeling of infinite love, pleasure and peace. This sentiment is considered infinite since when we perceive it, the limits between us simply fade, and literally feel to others as if they were part of ourselves. For both, a relationship of love and grant is not only a change of attitude or perception, but a fundamental and lasting improvement of our quality of life. Our relationships will become harmonious when we remember the infinite love that we can experience by changing our approach to reception for ourselves to grant. Then, we will find the balance not only in our personal lives, but also compared to the rest of inhabitants on Earth.

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