Monthly Archives: September 2013


OF OF the MILL After the death of the wife in an car accident, Miguel passed not to have more joy of living. For it, the life did not have more enchantment. It was moved away from the friends, was displeased of the work. It decided to leave the job and to follow a new route in the life. It decided to leave the capital and life in the interior. Its intention was to buy a small farm where it could live isolated of the civilization.

Consulting announcements of property in a periodical, it found two announcements of small farm the sales. It wrote down the addresses in a paper, caught the car and it left to the dawn for the interior of the state. But, in the passage it was lost in crossroads, when a strong fog went down on the region. It stopped the car in the side of the highway, left the lighted lighthouses and it waited that the fog if wasted. But, the time was passing and the time did not improve.

It tried to bind the car again, but the engine remained inert. It pressed the accelerator diverse times, without result. The gasoline tank was almost full. Finding that perhaps he was something simple to fix, it decided to give one looked in the engine. He opened the door and he left the car at the accurate moment where one I propagate appeared in high speed and it almost ran over it. Miguel played itself stops backwards, but some thing beat in its head. It was idiot, the sights had darkened, the legs had been bambas. He felt himself to fall and to roll for the soil. When finally he stopped to fall, he remained lying, looking for to regularize the breath and the thoughts. He saw himself lying on relva humid.

Surveys Remunerated

There are many ways to make money using the tools that Internet offers to us, one of these ways is to answer paid surveys. When the phenomenon of the remunerated surveys began, they were all in English, since the companies realised that them were of the United States and they were interested mainly in the native people of this country. Nevertheless, with the passage of the years, the companies began to have interest in the opinion of the people of Hispanic speech, since they represent an important part of the market. The phenomenon of the remunerated surveys also extended Europe, so that also surveys directed to the resident people in Spain began to appear. At the moment, many companies of surveys remunerated in Spanish exist, by means of who it is possible to make money, to accumulate points to exchange by prizes, to participate in drawings, to gain direct prizes, etc. In order to begin to be part of this system, you must registrarte in a good number of companies that realise remunerated surveys in Spanish. In many sites of Internet you will find lists gratuitous of these companies, and in other sites listings (supposedly more up-to-date lengths and) in exchange for a certain amount are offered. Nevertheless, to increase the possibilities of making a good money with the remunerated surveys, it is good idea to also register itself in the companies that are in English.

In order to register itself in the companies, you must fill a profile with your data, within which surely they are including profession, age, civil state, language, country where you reside, level of education, etc. Each company analyzes east profile, and if it considers that you are the type of person who wishes survey, will send its remunerated survey to your electronic mail. If you have registered yourself in many companies, you have majors possibilities that many surveys arrive to you to answer in this way, and you will make more money. Beam Click to see Here which are the best sites of of remunerated surveys and begins to make money simply to give your opinion.

Television Services

With the respective tests, Movistar has responded to the limitations of the rate flat ADSL in VDSL connections. The operator of telephony, ADSL and Television Services has denied through an email the big news disclosed on the website of ADSLZone in the morning. According to the mail information published on ADSLZone is categorically false, and this is intended to be false the images of one of the most respectable pages regarding information of broadband and cable connections. Movistar confirmed to Silicon News that the single rate which is applied to is the Mini worth 19,90 euros ADSL, which reaches a top speed when traffic exceeds certain gigabytes. Telefonica has said that he would confine any tariffs, also adding that this does not affect users who contract now or previously connections like the VDSL and other ADSL connections. This is great news for those who want to hire a fixed connection with Movistar, it is clear that this is one of the operators more faces of Europe. Now Movistar wanted to respond to the limitations of the rate ADSL flat in VDSL connections.

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