Monthly Archives: February 2013

America Latinaesta

Work from home with self-employment is create your own job, be your own boss, create your own company or business.There are many reasons why a person decides to choose self-employment as professional output. The main ones are: financial gain, independence as a way out of unemployment, professional development and it is a personal challenge. In many countries of the European Union, North America, and even America Latinaesta the order of the day, becoming a more common option.In the case of young people, there are many university or vocational training that after finishing their studies, don’t get your first job opportunity to more than thirty, despite his high level in education, even with postgraduate and master’s degree but no professional experience. Faced with this situation, we must consider self-employment with an own business low investment as one of the most valid solutions as a solution to unemployment.With the advancement of technology and the internet any person regardless of the degree of studies and socioeconomic situation, accessible to have your own profitable business via the internet and from their own home, with a minimal investment. Investment is a lot less than what most people thought and also pays for itself in a very short time, is also an investment long term and may be gaining residual money month after month throughout life, only by the effort made at the beginning. For groups of young people and over 40 years of age, find stable employment is increasingly complex, despite efforts by administrations.

Working conditions remain precarious, uncertainty, low wages and the hiring is temporary, for months and even days, there is no any future course or short-term and not to mention long term. Technological change and competition in a global economy, make the companies to reduce their costs, mainly in labor costs. Advantages of the Autoemplo with your own business online – you can work from home with your computer thanks to the internet.

Successful CVs

Before you sit down to write your curriculum vitae is recommended that you make a list of everything that you can do and all the work you’ve done. This means include each job, prize, volunteer work, skills, languages, hobbies, and achievements that have been in your life. Try to make this list in chronological order, starting from the most recent and comes to the more old that you remember. This list will help you to organize well your curriculum vitae and thus you will avoid exclude important things within the. But believe it or not in this list could be things that might impress your interviewer which can be helpful to get the job. Once you have all your list well drafted, is time to move to the next move, this is: write your resume what should you include in modern CV? Here is what you need. 1. Education: Includes colleges that asististe, the average you got at each level, the most important classes you took.

And if you are still attending classes still include it in the curriculum. 2. Employment: Lists all jobs you have had, and the dates on which you started and finished each one, also includes all the volunteer work that you’ve done. 3. Activities: All school activities in which you participated, you not excluyas none by very insignificant as it may seem you mentioned.

If you were President of the society of students or had an important position in any school group don’t forget to write it down. 4 Honors: Includes academic, athletic honors or awards community and/or school. 5 Skills: If you speak more than one language (even if only to conversational level) write it on your resume; In addition to this, it includes everything you know related to computing especially if you have abilities to handle complicated programs. In the case that you know to operate heavy machinery, include it also. I.e. for everything you have ability, describe it one to one. Remember, the most important thing when doing a resume is that you learn to write in a safe and professional manner. Remember that interviewers they are experts in human behavior and who are in search of the ideal person for the job. So if you want to succeed, only learns to use the right words at the time of writing your resume and get the job you want.

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